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Naturally Cleanse Your Colon with Food

Submitted by Loring A. Windblad on December 23, 2009

Colon cleansing is one of those odd fascinations of human beings since the days when enemas were first in use. Colon cleansing is something that is fundamentally unnecessary unless there is a specific problem with the colon like constipation. Otherwise, it is never sensible to irrigate the colon as it can push fecal matter further up the intestines. From a dietary perspective there are some oddball remedies that are advised like the quick intake of two liters of water. This is something that is never advised because it can cause a serious electrolyte imbalance in the body and is therefore dangerous for some people.

Understanding the digestive system is the first part of busting the myths about colon cleansing. As we eat, food travels down the esophagus to the stomach. Here acids and pepsin break down food to simpler components.

The food then falls into the duodenum where bile and pancreatic juice are added to the mixture. The small intestines secrete an enzyme that activates more enzymes in the pancreatic juice and more breakdown of food occurs. As the chyme passes through the small intestine, what can be absorbed is absorbed and the rest, sent to the colon for dehydration and removal.

At no point during this process does food get “stuck” along the way; though in the case of diseases like diverticulosis, this is a possibility. Colonic cleansing is therefore best thought of as a method of relieving constipation. Constipation occurs when there is little fiber in the diet.

Fiber is an indigestible material that can hold water. This prevents waste or feces from being totally dried out by the colon. Extremely dry feces can form a plug and block the colon. This situation can then be relieved with an enema.
Therefore, colon cleansing simply requires fiber in the diet. This can be acquired by eating whole wheat products, bran, rye, legumes, and tough fibrous vegetables. Cases of chronic constipation simply require that this diet be followed and a lot water ingested. Dehydration of the body is one of the leading causes of constipation. Pregnant women tend to get constipated quite often because of hormonal changes in the body and therefore have to ingest a lot of fiber in the diet in their last trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes, enemas become inevitable during these times and this is best done by a doctor considering the possibility of spreading E. Coli.
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