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Medicinal Properties and Health Benefits of Fenugreek

Submitted by Serena Mason on February 2, 2010

Curative Properties And Health Benefits Of Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a popular culinary spice that is also widely used in the treatment of various disorders. This herb is found abundantly in the Mediterranean and possesses many natural benefits. The seeds of the fenugreek plant, for instance, contain niacin, protein, diosgenin, vitamin C and potassium. Diosgenin is an estrogen-like compound which helps treat symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome and helps increase libido. Fenugreek’s estrogen-like ingredients also help treat other disorders related to the reproductive system.

Benefits Of Fenugreek

For instance, Fenugreek is very effective in inducing labor, it restores hormonal balance in the body, it reduces pain caused during menstruation, and it helps to augment breast size. Fenugreek has also been used to treat respiratory disorders like bronchitis and asthma. In addition, fenugreek is also effective in the treatment of digestive disorders like indigestion and acid reflux by regulating the body’s metabolism.

This is on account of the high mucilage content of fenugreek.

This mucilage coats the lining of the intestine and provides immediate relief from any discomfort caused by inflammation. You can swallow a few fenugreek seeds before you sit down for your meals or you can sprinkle a little of it over your food to help relieve indigestion and acidity.

Skin conditions like boils, rashes and wounds are cured effectively with the help of fenugreek health benefits.

Fenugreek is very helpful in lowering the cholesterol and glucose levels in the body and it is therefore widely used in the treatment of diabetes. Recent studies are also focused on the curative power of fenugreek over cardiovascular disease.

Increase your daily intake of fenugreek either in the form of seasoning or mixed with water to help protect yourself against a number of diseases. Alternatively, you can try a few simple home remedies using fenugreek to eliminate your health problems and promote overall health.

Since fenugreek helps lower the body’s cholesterol levels, it also helps to reduce the risk of heart disease. Fenugreek also specifically helps in the treatment of type 2 diabetes by lowering the body’s blood sugar level. A topical application of fenugreek will help treat skin infections or inflammations. For the purpose of topical application, powder a few fenugreek seeds and mix them with warm water.

Now soak a soft cotton cloth in this solution and make a poultice to apply on skin conditions like burns, abscesses, gout and boils. Fenugreek also helps treat symptoms of fever. Just have a few fenugreek seeds mixed with honey and lemon juice at least thrice a day to help treat the symptoms of a fever.
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