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Home Remedies Using Beetroot

Submitted by Loring A. Windblad on November 18, 2010

Home Remedies With Beet

Beetroot, as its name signifies, is a root vegetable available in a variety of colors from dark purple and red to orange and yellow. Most cuisines use the fleshy pulp of beetroot to make salads, soups, stews, and gourmet pickles. However, you may also gain beetroot benefits from its leafy portion by eating the tender shoots and leaves of beetroot; just remember to wash it well before use and discard old or rotting leaves. Served cooked or steamed, the leaves of beetroot are similar in taste or texture to other dark, leafy vegetables like spinach or kale.
Health benefits of beetroot. Health benefits of beetroot were extolled in ancient times, and the juice of beetroot was used to treat everything from digestion to blood disorders.

In recent times, ongoing studies suggest that vegetables and fruits, which resemble the anatomy of the human body, may actually possess medicinal properties peculiar to those parts or organs. Walnuts are food for brain, almonds aid better eyesight, and the blood red color of beets may help prevent or cure blood related conditions.

One of the main health benefits of beetroot comes from the fact that beets are low in fats, possess very few calories, and are a rich source of dietary fiber.

The deep red color of commonly found beets and other various colored beets comes from beta-carotenes. The leafy, red veined portion of beetroots also contains carotenoids or plant pigments. Many of these beta-carotenes possess anti -carcinogenic properties and may help reduce the risk of various cancers.

Beetroots also contain traces of essential minerals such as iron, potassium, managanese, folate, and vitamins A and C.

Beetroots also contain high traces of folic acid, which helps regeneration of body cells. For this reason, a beetroot diet is considered beneficial for pregnant women and athletes or individuals recovering from physical injuries.
Another pigment responsible for the red color is betacyanin. The antioxidant powers of beetroot come from this pigment.

These antioxidant properties benefit heart health by lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Medical experts noticed a significant fall in LDL or bad cholesterol and a rise in HDL or good cholesterol in patients who followed a diet rich in beetroots.

The powers of beetroot extend beyond cardiovascular health. Recent studies show that beetroots benefit blood pressure patients as well. Consuming beetroot juice on a daily basis can lower blood pressure in individuals suffering from high blood pressure. The nitrate content in beetroot juice reacts to increase plasma nitrite concentration, which lowers blood pressure. A word of caution for individuals suffering from low blood pressure may find their levels dropping on a beetroot diet and must consult their doctor before proceeding on such as diet.

Consuming beetroots may also help promote healthy liver function. As a result, your body functions better due to good digestion and absorption of fats, thereby preventing fatigue or nausea. A healthy liver function also aids weight loss. Beetroots are also healthy options for individuals who suffer from persistent gastritis. The alkaline properties of beetroot juice can balance the acidic gastric juices in the stomach and intestines. The cleansing properties of beet ensure a healthy liver and colon. However, beet juice is also known to cure acne, cleanse boils and abscess, and serve as a natural conditioner for your hair.

Lastly, beetroots are high in carbohydrates, but low in calories and fat. Thus, sliced beets make an excellent snacking choice. Since they fill you up and provide you instant energy, they are perfect for those on a weight loss diet.

While there are plenty of beetroot benefits, individuals suffering from medical conditions such as kidney stones must exercise caution while eating a diet rich in beets. Beetroots contain oxalates, which may trigger the formation of kidney stones. Therefore, individuals with kidney stones should consult a doctor before consuming a beetroot diet. In cooked beetroots, nitrates may convert to carcinogenic nitrites, increasing the risk of cancer. To avoid such a scenario, consume your beetroots immediately and store leftovers in the refrigerator away from high temperatures.

Healing Properties And Health Benefits Of Beetroot

Beet is cultivated worldwide for its nutritious roots. Said to have originated in the Mediterranean region or West Asia and favored even by the early Romans and Greeks, the beet has been around for over 2000 years. Now, the beet is widely cultivated in Central, East and West Africa, the Caribbean, India, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia. Commonly known as the garden beet, the red beet is a juicy vegetable and has a unique flavor. It is one of the most colorful vegetables and is available in various shapes and sizes. The beet is categorized according to its shape - flat, deep oblate, round, short top shaped, globular, oval, long and half-long. 

The beet contains carbohydrates in the form of sugar mainly and has fat and protein as well. Beet is eaten in several manners, used extensively in salads, chutneys and pickles. Like potatoes, beets can be steamed, boiled or baked. They should be carefully washed and peeled before use. Like other green vegetables, the leaves can be cooked for a short time in little water. Fresh beets have better flavor and cook faster.

Beet juice is a rich source of natural sugar and is considered one of the best in vegetable juices as it contains potassium, sodium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, iodine, chlorine, copper, vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), C and P. Although rich in digestible carbohydrates, the juice is low in calorie content and has good amount of proteins and amino acids.

Therapeutic Value Of Beet

The therapeutic value of beets is great being rich in alkaline elements, potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium. Red beet juice regenerates the red blood cells and is thus associated with blood forming qualities. Tremendously useful in treating anemia as red beet juice helps supply fresh oxygen to the body and normalizes breathing. Beet juice is also used to treat digestive disorders, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, jaundice and hepatitis by adding a teaspoon of limejuice to it. Gastric ulcers can be healed by having fresh beet juice mixed with a tablespoon of honey every morning on an empty stomach.

The cellulose content in beet increases peristalsis and eases bowel movement, thus helping with conditions like chronic constipation and hemorrhoids. Beet juice being a superb solvent for inorganic calcium deposits helps in the treatment of arteriosclerosis, hypertension, varicose veins and other heart problems. A cleanser for the kidneys and gall bladder can be made by mixing beet juice with cucumber and carrot juice. Beet juice mixed with vinegar is also beneficial in treating skin disorders and dandruff.

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