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Brown Rice Vs White Rice

Submitted by Stella Morgan on July 31, 2012

Brown rice, also called hulled rice, is a form of natural whole grain. It is extremely nutritious and a bit harder to chew. It also has a more earthy taste. Sticky rice, long grain, and short grain are also known as forms of brown rice. Brown rice spoils easy and has much shorter shelf life.

White rice is milled rice from which the bran, husk, and germ are removed.

The process strips the grain of most of its nutritional benefits and completely changes the appearance, texture and the taste of the rice. White rice is also polished to make it brighter and shinier. White rice is less prone to spoilage and has longer shelf life.

Benefits of Brown Rice

Brown rice is the unprocessed whole grain and has numerous benefits. Some of the benefits of eating brown rice are as follows:

  • Brown rice is rich in dietary fiber
  • Brown rice contains vital minerals like magnesium and selenium
  • Brown rice has low glycemic index

Disadvantages of White Rice

Processed or refined rice is stripped of almost all the benefits and nutrients. Some of the prominent disadvantages of white rice are as listed below:

  • Refined or white rice has a high glycemic index, which can cause blood sugar levels to shoot up.
  • White rice has less fiber, and hence, does not help with aiding bowel movements.
  • White rice is stripped of its nutrients, and thus does not provide any additional benefits.
  • White rice may increase the risk of type II diabetes.
  • White rice is high in carbohydrates which may cause a blood sugar spike.

Nutritional Content of Brown Rice

The most important nutrients present in brown rice are

  • Fiber
  • Magnesium
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Vitamins

Given below is a detailed list of brown rice’s benefits.

Diabetes: Some studies have revealed that daily consumption of brown rice can reduce the risk of type II diabetes.

Cancer: The high fiber content in brown rice can be beneficial in protection against colon and breast cancer.

Digestion aid: Brown rice helps improve digestion and relieves constipation.

Cholesterol: The fat in brown rice can reduce the LDL, the bad cholesterol, and regular intake may increase the HDL, the good cholesterol.

Heart disease: A diet inclusive of brown rice can help reduce the risk of heart disease in post-menopausal women.

Bone/muscle health: Brown rice is rich in magnesium, which is an important mineral for good bone health.

Magnesium also improves muscle health, aids in protein productions, and helps enzyme function.

Thyroid health: Brown rice is also rich in selenium which helps regulate immune system and thyroid hormone metabolism. Selenium also helps keeps thyroid, liver, and heart problems at bay.

Brown rice is typically recommended for diabetics, people who have a risk of contracting heart diseases, and people with poor bowel movements. It is also the choice of rice for health conscious folks.


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