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Advice for backache

My L-5 disk fluid is dried, due to which i have bad backache and need your advise.
(October 27, 2010)

Advice for backache

A herniated disc often results in back ache, leg pain and weakness of the legs. The spinal discs lose some of their elasticity with advancing age. As this happens, the disc may be prone to rupture. A disc rupture causes the spinal disc to get pushed outside of its usual position. This leads to a herniated disc.

When a disc becomes herniated, the cushion that is present between the spinal vertebrae is pushed out of its normal position. There is a small amount of space between the spinal nerves and the spinal cord. When the herniated disc bulges out too much, the spinal nerves can get pinched, thereby leading to pain. Pain and discomfort occurs because of pressure on the spinal nerves which are located very near the edge of the spinal discs.

The L5 level is the most common spot for a disc to get herniated. This actually refers to two different discs, the L5-S1 which is located between the tail bone and the fifth lumbar vertebra and the L4-L5 which is located between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae. These two discs undergo the most strain and are therefore more likely to become herniated. This can lead to lower back pain and l5 herniated disc is often accompanied by numbness that radiates down to the leg and foot. This condition is also referred to as sciatica and there is impingement of the sciatic nerve.

Treatment for an l5 herniated disc is usually focused on symptomatic relief. The most commonly administered treatment for lumbar herniated discs are anti-inflammatory drugs, relaxants and pain relievers. These drugs are effective in providing temporary relief. The pain is likely to occur again once medication is discontinued. There are some side effects of these drugs. Physiotherapy is another recommended treatment for a herniated disc. It helps to strengthen and stretched the muscles surrounding the affected area. Physiotherapy helps to alleviate pain and pressure and also improves the stability and flexibility of the back. Sitting for prolonged periods of time exerts pressure on the l5 herniated disc and contributes to back pain. It is important to take regular breaks from sitting and perform simple exercises such as walking. Massages also help to relieve pain and discomfort, but should be used in combination with other treatment methods as well. A spinal decompression is very effective in pain relief as it involves the separation of the back bones. This reduces the pressure on the affected discs.


Submitted by C N on October 27, 2010 at 04:22


Spinal discs act as shock absorbers and are devoid of arteries.The disc fluid undergoes a recycling process. This fluid is enriched with nutrients and oxygen. Absence or improper circulation of this fluid results in increased internal pressure. Spinal decompression is a sophisticated technique to reduce the internal pressure of the discs, thereby rehydrating them with nutrients, oxygen and water. Lack of fluid is the main culprit for your backache. Take the guidance of your physician immediately.
Submitted by R K on May 23, 2007 at 10:38


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