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Colon Cancer Diet

Colon cancer treatment today is much more promising, with a much higher rate of survival and a lot of natural options. Complimentary therapies like a colon cancer diet help tremendously as they not only provide relief from the symptoms, but also facilitate healing and most importantly restrict or nullify the harmful side effects of conventional treatment. Colon cancer is one of the most commonly occurring types of cancer and is also quite commonly referred to as colorectal cancer. This type of cancer is caused by the appearance of malignant cells in the rectum or colon. Tumors in the colon generally grow slowly, but they can eventually become big enough to form an obstruction in the digestive tract.

Colon cancer can be deadly if not treated in time as the cancer may spread to other organs like the liver or lymph nodes. If detected and treated during the early stages there is generally no cause for worry.

Diet For colon Cancer is extremely effective not just in treatment, but also in colon cancer prevention. Dietary factors in fact have a big influence on the growth and development of colon cancer and can be easily prevented through simple dietary changes. Incidence of colon cancer has been found to be much higher among people with a diet that has a high content of animal fats, particularly from red meat, while low in fiber. It would therefore be advisable to increase your intake of fiber and cut down on red meats and fatty foods.

Acids secreted by the bile to aid digestion of fats are turned into secondary bile acids, which are cancer promoting substances, in the intestines. Apart from the fact that meats contain a fair amount of fat, they also contribute to the formation of these secondary bile acids. Red meat is particularly unhealthy. High-fiber diets offer a significant amount of protection, as fiber helps flush out carcinogens, by speeding up the passage of food passing through the colon. In addition fiber actually brings about a change in the type of bacteria present in the intestine, reducing the production of secondary bile acids. Fiber also dilutes and absorbs bile acids. Studies have found that a high fiber diet can even help people at particular risk of developing colon cancer. Foods that are rich in fiber include wheat and any other wholegrain products, as well as fruits like figs, prunes.

Vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables are useful and can reduce the risk of colon cancer. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage, are some such vegetables and it would be a good idea to include them in any diet for colon cancer.

Submitted on January 16, 2014