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Lung Cancer Diet


Lung cancer diets offer new hope to patients suffering from the disease, but the fact remains that this is the most fatal of all types of cancer and is also the most easily preventable. Lung cancer is caused as a result of the rapid growth of abnormal cells that form a tumor. These tumors may occur in both lungs or just one and they disrupt the functioning of the lungs. Tumors are either benign and non cancerous or malignant and cancerous and therefore a greater threat. Malignant tumors are very aggressive and may spread rapidly to other organs and body parts.

Normal healthy cells are also destroyed resulting in serious damage to the organ that is irreversible.

Recent studies have brought to light some convincing evidence that suggests that diets that are mainly comprised of vegetables and fruits can provide protection against lung cancer. According to research carotenoids, present in these foods, are most likely responsible for this effect. Although it was also thought that using antioxidant supplements, like beta-carotene and vitamin E, could help in the prevention and treatment of lung cancer, this has been found to be ineffective and in fact, could increase the risk of cancer among smokers.

Unlike some other forms of cancer like breast cancer, prostate cancer or colon cancer, lung cancer diets are not as specific or effective. There are however some broad based cancer diets that do help as they are common to any type of cancer. Reduction of unhealthy dietary fat is essential as fat cells contribute to a high amount of free radicals, since they split apart easily. Free radicals are molecular fragments that are harmful because they tear at the membrane of cells, and can in some cases even cause damage to the cell's DNA structure. This can cause mutation, which leads to the development and growth of cancerous cells. While it is recommended that your fat intake is restricted to thirty percent or less of the caloric intake, studies indicate that the type of fat is more important than the amount. Saturated fats and trans fats are regarded as being the most unhealthy and should be restricted.

Certain nutrients have been shown to help prevent cancer, so including them in your diet is advisable. The effects of harmful free-radicals are minimized by anti-oxidants. While some have been found to be ineffective for lung cancer, taking supplements of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and vitamin D, as well as the B vitamins and folic acid, minerals like selenium, calcium and zinc can help. It would be better to have a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet as they would contain all the necessary nutrients and are a much healthier source as compared to supplements for your lung cancer diet.

Submitted on January 16, 2014