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Anti Yeast Foods And Herbs For Keeping Yeast Infections At Bay

If you’ve been diagnosed with flourishing candida in your body, then most probably your doctor will prescribe a strict diet along with the medication to treat the yeast infection. And it’s the diet restrictions that most patients find difficult to adhere to. However, if you focus on all the things you can still eat, you’ll be able to tide over the infection.

Causes of yeast infections: Candida albicans is a type of yeast that is common in the moist and humid areas of our bodies. It thrives in the vaginal canal, the urinary tract, the digestive tract, and inside the mouth. Mostly, the microorganisms in our body feed on the yeast and prevent it from flourishing.
But sometimes this fine balance can be disturbed and then the Candida can get out of control.

Yeast free diet: While a diet for yeast infections might vary, but generally physicians ask patients to exclude sugar, processed foods, and wheat as these promote yeast growth. Slowly, over a period of time (about four to eight weeks), you can re-introduce all the foods that you kept away from.

A yeast infection diet does not contain any food products that are rich in yeast. Sugary, processed foods generally promote yeast growth. Avoid food products that contain molds and yeasts, fermented foods, dairy products, sugar, alcoholic substances and starchy foods that break down into sugar.

Anti-Yeast Diet - List Of Yeasty Foods You Must Avoid:

Yeasty Foods:
  • Pretzels, pastries, cookies, rolls and breads
  • Vinegar and food products that contain this, like pickled foods, barbecue sauce, salad dressing and mayonnaise
  • Spirits, beer and wine
  • Fermented foods like cider
Moldy foods:
  • All sorts of cheeses
  • Pickled meats and cured bacon
  • Pistachios, peanuts and mushrooms
  • Tempeh, tamari, miso, and soy sauce
  • Malt
  • Canned tomatoes and pre-packed teas and herbs
Sugary foods:
  • Processed sugar
  • Citrus fruits, prunes, dates, raisins and grapes
  • Dried fruits and fruit juices
  • Drink mixes and soft drinks
  • Maple syrup and honey
  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Chocolate
Starchy foods:
  • Potatoes
  • Corn
Adjusting to a yeast free diet: When you read the entire list of foods that you can not have, you wonder what you can actually eat. But once you shop for all the things that you are permitted to eat during a yeast infection, you’ll notice that the food products are natural, healthy and just what your body needs to remain healthy. Here is what you can eat:
  • Vegetables of all sorts
  • Beans
  • Fresh pork, fish and shellfish, poultry and beef
  • Eggs
  • Whole grains like buckwheat, couscous, millet, barley and rice
  • Whole grain pasta and oatmeal
  • Unprocessed nuts and seeds
  • Unrefined vegetable oil
  • Small quantities of fresh, non-citrus fruit
Tip: You can use yeast diet recipes to prepare your meals.
Submitted on January 16, 2014