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Arteriosclerosis Diet, Foods

Arteriosclerosis can be described as a condition, in which deposits of fat clog the walls of the arteries. These fatty material deposits thicken and become hard and eventually, they may also block the arteries, causing them to stiffen. Healthy arteries in people should be strong, elastic and flexible, but the presence of arteriosclerosis hardens them to a great extent. Fortunately, this condition can be treated, as well as prevented. The arteriosclerosis treatment includes the use of medication and home remedies; at the same time, patients are also advised to incorporate a few healthy dietary and lifestyle changes.
People who are at a high risk of developing this problem are advised to follow a specific arteriosclerosis diet for prevention. Many medical health care providers have also been known to advise patients to try reversing arteriosclerosis with diet, before taking any medication.

Diet for Arteriosclerosis Prevention

It is a well-known fact that a poor diet could lead to many health problems, especially heart and cardiovascular diseases. Fortunately, a healthy diet for heart patient helps people avoid such health problems. A healthy arteriosclerosis diet for prevention of heart conditions should include high quantities of food, which are high in fiber and antioxidants, but at the same time, low in fat and calories. Hence, healthy arteriosclerosis food items include:
  • Fresh fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains like oats and oat bran, wheat bran, whole wheat, brown rice, barley, millet, wheat germ and quinoa
  • Legumes, which include beans and lentil
  • Few varieties of nuts and seeds, such as pistachios, almonds and flax seed
  • Polyunsaturated fat and healthy monounsaturated fats, which are usually present in low fat dairy products
  • Salmon and other varieties of fish that contain high quantities of omega-3 fatty acids
Just like certain foods are healthy for the heart and can prevent heart diseases, there are several food items that could have an adverse effect on the body and especially the heart, if consumed in high quantities. Therefore, a healthy diet for arteriosclerosis should contain limited quantities of:
  • Boxed cereal
  • Breads, biscuits, pies, cookies, cakes and other commercially baked products
  • Egg yolks
  • Energy bars
  • Fats that have been hardened, such as hydrogenated oil and shortening
  • Foods that are high in cholesterol, saturated fat as well as trans-fat, like red meat
  • Fried food
  • Processed meat, like sausage, pepperoni and bologna
  • Whole fat dairy products
Hence, before purchasing any food items, it is absolutely essential for people to ensure that they read the labels properly. Even while eating out, care should be taken to avoid those foods that are not very healthy for the heart. Many people may also be advised by a medical health care provider to take arteriosclerosis dietary supplements, such as omega-3 supplements and vitamin tablets. However, the supplements advised for different patients may vary and therefore, it is important to take them only if they are recommended by the doctor and that too in the right doses.

While arteriosclerosis diet treatment is very effective in controlling the health condition, there are other lifestyle changes too, which are important and should be incorporated. People are advised to exercise for at least half an hour each day, get an adequate amount of rest, sleep properly and practice stress reduction techniques, like yoga, or meditation, as all these activities help reduce the risks of arteriosclerosis.

There are several additional tips on arteriosclerosis diet prevention, easily available through various resources. However, it is absolutely essential to consult a doctor and get an approval, before following any of the tips. It is all the more important for elderly people or those who are suffering from any preexisting medical condition to check with a doctor, before making any dietary changes.
Submitted on May 25, 2011