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Gum Guggal Prevents Coronary Disorders

Coronary heart disease is taking a huge toll on human lives. The rising levels of stress and lack of exercise, and the prevalence of unhealthy eating habits are helping to make heart disease a major cause of human deaths. Interestingly, though the incidence of coronary disease in India has been growing rapidly, such incidents in the West seem to be on the decline. This has been attributed towards people becoming more health conscious in Western nations and adopting a healthier lifestyle. It has also been brought about as a result of changes in the dietary patterns of people.
Western nations have switched to a healthier diet that includes fish and chicken and plenty of green vegetables. Indians also need to become more aware and adopt a healthier lifestyle if they wish to avoid coronary disease.

Coronary disease is directly linked to the cholesterol level in the human body. Persons with a high concentration of low density lipoproteins (LDL) are at severe risk. There are some allopathic drugs in the market that lower cholesterol levels but they also have many side effects. In order to combat this problem, Indians have looked to their traditional medical system of Ayurveda to come up with a healthier option for treating heart disease. The Gum guggal plant (Commifera mukul) has been mentioned in the ancient Indian medical treatise Sushruta Samhita as being beneficial for the treatment of obesity and lipid disorders. Indian scientists have adopted this ancient knowledge and utilized it to manufacture a drug that can be used to prevent coronary heart disease in people with high levels of cholesterol in their bloodstream.

The first experimental research on the effectiveness of Gum guggal in preventing heart disease was carried out by Dr. G. Satyavati at the Banaras Hindu University College of Medical Sciences in 1964. His research work was then taken up on a national level by the Indian Council of Medical Research and the Central Drug Research Institute. The concentrated effort of these eminent scientists working from various cities such as Varanasi, New Delhi, Lucknow, Pune and Bombay finally paid off, and resulted in the formation of a drug that lowers the prevalence of coronary disease among people with high levels of cholesterol.

Submitted on January 16, 2014