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Juices for Nervous System and Pregnancy

In general, fresh fruit and vegetables are considered extremely important for holistic well being. Here are some of the juices that are ideal for the nervous system. Carrot juice, rich in quite a few natural antioxidants, vitamin A or carotene, vitamins B, C, D, and E and also iron, cobalt, and copper. Hence, carrot juice is considered one of the most beneficial juices among all vegetable juices. Apart from all its benefits, it is extremely beneficial for protecting the nervous system, thereby preventing nervous system diseases and disorders.

More popularly known for its benefits related to heart diseases and blood, beet juice is also good for the brain as it improves memory and strengthens the nervous system. Another juice that considerably benefits the nervous system and helps in improving memory is cucumber juice. Asparagus is also known to soothe the nervous system and can be consumed with other vegetable juices.

For nervous system disorders involving stress and anxiety, celery juice is considered to quite effective. It also helps with insomnia and headaches. Onions are regarded as being extremely beneficial for nervous imbalances and can be consumed mixed with other vegetable juices.

Juices for Expectant Mothers

Expectant mothers require considerable nutrition; a good source of minerals and vitamins is fresh fruits and vegetables. Another requirement for expectant mothers is water, since the body demands much fluid during pregnancy. Hence, juices should be an integral part of the diet when expecting.

Some of the fruit juices that should be consumed include bananas, grapefruit, melons, avocados, blackberries, apples, oranges, and pears. Recently, scientists have discovered that pomegranate juice is extremely effective for expectant mothers who are at risk of premature birth. Pomegranate juice is known to reduce brain injuries in premature babies. Orange juice is considered to be extremely important as it is a rich source of folic acid, which is essential for the development of the baby's brain and spinal cord.

Emphasis should be placed on foods that are rich in iron; spinach juice or other green, leafy vegetable juice is supposed to be beneficial for expectant mothers. Along with iron, vitamin C should also be consumed, since it helps in the absorption of iron; good sources include orange, kiwi, and melon juice. Apricots and tomato juice are also good during pregnancy. Note that apple cider, different from apple juice, should be avoided. Further, fresh fruit and vegetable juices are far more favorable than canned ones since they contain high amounts of sugar and may contain preservatives.

There are several powerful juices for helping the nervous system but before using them examine your lifestyle to shed unnecessary loads whilst you rebuild your health.

The following juices can be used to good effect:

Asparagus 2 fl oz (50ml); three times each day.
Dandelion 6 fl oz (175ml); nettle 4 fl oz (100ml).
Lettuce 3 fl oz (75ml); celery 6 fl oz (175ml); parsley 3 fl oz (75ml).
French or string beans, alone 16 n oz (450ml), or with equal amounts of Brussels sprout juice.

Take particular care to have enough of vitamin A, D, and C and of iron.

Take following juices daily:

Carrot juice 10 fl oz (275ml); watercress 2 fl oz (50ml).

And one of the following:

Parsley 2 fl oz (50ml); tomato 12 fl oz (350ml).
Carrot 8 n oz (225ml); apple 8 fl oz (225ml).
Carrot 6 fl oz (l75ml); beetroot 6 fl oz (175ml); cucumber 4 fl oz (100ml)
Carrot 8 fl oz (225ml); beetroot 8 n oz (225ml).

Carrot Juice Pregnancy

While eating a well-balanced diet is important for your health, during pregnancy the importance of your diet increases double fold. You are eating for yourself and your baby. Foods you must eat or avoid therefore become an important part of your prenatal care. You may have many questions regarding diet during pregnancy. You may consult your doctor or nutritionist to answer these questions. A general guideline suggests that pregnant women need at least 300 extra calories per day and sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals such as calcium and folic acid that are necessary for growth and healthy bone development of the fetus. The amount of calories may vary depending on your weight during pregnancy. Certain foods maybe avoided, depending on your health and specific medical conditions. In addition, your doctor may recommend limiting or avoiding caffeine, foods that commonly trigger allergies such as nuts, undercooked meats, unheated deli products that may breed bacteria, and unpasteurized milk and juices.

As an expectant mother, you want to provide the best foods and juices for yourself and your fetus. Keeping yourself hydrated by consuming water and juices is as essential as consuming the right kind of foods. With plenty of options to choose from, which juice is good for pregnancy is a frequently asked question. Other questions include: Is it safe to consume fruit or vegetable juices? Should they be freshly squeezed juices? Are store bought juices safe to consume? Let us take a brief look at some of the common fruit and vegetable juices, their benefits or drawbacks, if any.

Carrot juice and pregnancy. Consuming carrot juice in pregnancy is highly recommended by doctors. Both expecting and lactating mothers would benefit from carrot juice nutrients. Drinking carrot juice during pregnancy provides the expectant mother with healthy doses of vitamins A, B, and C and minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium. The beta-carotene in carrot juice, which provides the vegetable with its vibrant orange color, is a natural antioxidant. Consuming one glass of carrot juice in pregnancy will provide you and your baby with most essential nutrients. Besides, carrot juice in pregnancy is a healthy and viable option to get your daily-recommended intake of vitamins without the need to consume supplementary pills.

Most women wonder if carrot juice in pregnancy maybe unsafe due to its high sugar content. In fact, the vegetable sugars in carrot juice break down quicker during digestion unlike other refined sugar and sugar products. Sugar from carrot juice is easily assimilated into the blood stream. Despite its relatively high sucrose content, a healthy woman with no blood sugar conditions may consume moderate quantities of carrot juice in pregnancy without any harm to herself or her baby. Recommended portions may include eight to twenty four ounces of carrot juice without any additives. However, drinking carrot juice in pregnancy is only part of an overall healthy diet. The best way to consume carrot juice in pregnancy is to make it a part of your daily meal. Consuming carrot juice during mealtimes will ensure that there is no sudden spike in blood sugar. However, before you consume carrot juice on a daily basis, it is best to check with your doctor on its benefits and side effects, specifically pertaining to your pregnancy. Some women may develop diabetes during pregnancy and may want to be particularly careful of their sugar intake during this period.

Homemade carrot juice recipes provide tons of nutritional elements to you and your infant. However, ensure that you pick fresh carrots and wash your vegetables thoroughly before juicing them. Since you are consuming uncooked carrot juice, make sure that it is free of any dirt or rotting parts. Carrot juice maybe combined with other fruits and vegetables to make a healthy, tasty drink. Carrot and banana juice will provide excellent doses of potassium, while a dash of lemon juice to your carrot drink will give you additional vitamin C. Spinach and carrot can be juiced together for ample calcium content.

Beetroot juice and pregnancy. Since beetroots are considered an essential part of healthy diet, many people wonder is beetroot good during pregnancy. Calcium, iron, and folic acid (folates) are extremely essential for a healthy fetus and overall infant development. Consuming beet juice during pregnancy provides the fetus with all these essential nutrients, along with rich traces of potassium, iron, and copper. As with carrots and carrot juice, beetroot also contains substantial quantities of vegetable sugar, which maybe consumed in moderate quantities if you are not suffering from diabetes. However, do consult your doctor about the benefits of consuming beet juice in pregnancy and possible pitfalls related to blood sugar conditions. For expecting mothers, beet juice provides an excellent source of dietary fiber and aids digestion. Many women complain of constipation during pregnancy due to slow rate of metabolism. Drinking beet juice between or during meals should satisfy your hunger and remedy digestive problems. The rich, red color of beetroot signifies the high amounts of antioxidants in the vegetable. From fighting cancer cells to warding of weakness and fatigue, beetroot juice is an important part of prenatal diet.

Tomato juice and pregnancy. For individuals suffering from blood sugar conditions, tomato juice during pregnancy may provide similar essential nutrients such as carrot and beet juice, without the harmful effects of their sugar content. A rich source of vitamin C, tomato juice is a healthy breakfast option that will fill you up and provide the fetus with all the essential micronutrients such as calcium, potassium, manganese, and iron. If you are suffering from anemia during pregnancy, drinking a glass of tomato juice per day is a healthy remedy. It promotes blood circulation and helps to lower blood pressure. Tomato juice benefits women who suffer from terrible nausea or morning sickness during pregnancy. It also aids digestion and relives constipation. Lycopene in tomatoes is a powerful antioxidant, which possesses cancer curative powers. However, despite its various benefits, tomato and tomato juice may not be advisable for individuals suffering from gallbladder problems such as kidney stone, gall stone, and so on. Talk to your doctor about the benefits and side effects of consuming homemade tomato juice specific to your conditions.

Fruits and fruit juices aid and support the nervous system and muscle health. Fruits good for the nervous system include citrus fruits such as oranges, lime, and lemons, which promote nerve health and prevent nervous disorders. Potassium from bananas is important for the nervous system. While apple is good for health, doctors may recommend limiting or avoiding apple juice and apple cider during pregnancy. Is apricot good during pregnancy? In fact, apricots are a powerhouse of nutrients such as vitamins A and C, phosphorus, iron, calcium, and potassium. Apricots are also good for nervous system health as they boost the immune system and help fight diseases. They make an excellent snack, and although small, the fruit packs in quite a dietary fiber punch helping digestion and colon health.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are an important part of your diet during pregnancy. Add fresh juices to the mix and you are guaranteed a wholesome diet rich in micronutrients. Choose foods from all major food groups and ensure that you stick to a healthy diet plan. Simple home cooked meals are more satisfying and healthy and you will not have to worry about excess calories or preservatives. In the case of fruit juices, the freshly squeezed variety beats packaged juices easily. If you insist on picking up store bought juices, you may want to read the package label carefully. Store bought juices may contain additives like food coloring, added sugars, and other artificial flavors. Organic juices may prove more beneficial than artificially flavored juices, which may not contain all the essential nutrients you are looking for. Keep an eye out for calcium or iron fortified juices that may help to supplement any gaps in your diet. For various health reasons, it is best to pick pasteurized juices as they kill any harmful bacteria that may cause you or your infant a health scare.

Submitted on January 16, 2014