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Eggs are an important part of our daily food intake, eggs are either included in breakfast of in several baked products or at the time of making several different types of sauces. Eggs are used by all in one form or the other; this is good, since eggs have been found as being good providers of several nutritional components that might not be available in daily diet.

Quite some amount of nutrition is packed in each egg, different combination is in egg yellow and egg white, eggs are rich in protein and iron, including an egg in breakfast each day will help you in weight loss. Eggs are also known to provide immunity because of its healthy proportion of vitamin D.

Eggs are known to boost brain health because of choline, it has been found that choline deficiency leads to deficiency of another compound called folic acid, which is extremely necessary to maintain good health. Choline in eggs is highly beneficial for body processes like neurotransmission, i.e. transmitting of signal to and fro from the nerves; here choline is the primary chemical in this sending and receiving process.

Brain is made of high percentage of fat cells, and brain health depends on flexibility and integrity of these cells, choline helps maintain these cells in proper condition. Choline is also helpful in a process called methylation that means transfer of methyl groups from one place to another.

Eggs have for long have been accused of raising cholesterol levels inside the body, however, latest studies suggest otherwise, it is becoming obvious that though eggs do contain cholesterol there is no evidence that cholesterol levels have risen because of consumption of eggs, it was also seen that eggs were helpful in bringing up levels of LDL cholesterol, though there was no change in the levels of HDL cholesterol.

Eggs are also known to prevent clotting of blood, this is because the proteins in egg yolk are take time in formation of blood clotting on fibrinogen, these egg proteins avoid clot formation depending on the number of egg yolks eaten, however, it is advised that egg yolks should be eaten by keeping in mind one’s own capacity.

Eggs also contain a carotenoid called lutein, this is more than that found in green leafy vegetables like the spinach, this carotenoid helps in avoiding eye problems like the cataract, this is more so because lutein from eggs is absorbed better by the body than lutein from spinach.  

Eggs are a wholesome food which should be included in daily diet.
Submitted on February 24, 2009