Nephritis Disease and Treatment for Nephritis
Nephritis is a serious condition that results in inflammation of the kidneys. It is also known as Bright’s disease and is a condition that occurs quite often during childhood. Glomerulonephritis is the most common type of acute nephritis and it leads to an inflammation of the glomeruli, which are small round filters situated in the kidneys. There are two other types of nephritis as well; pyelonephritis, which is more common among adults, and hereditary nephritis, which is a rare condition that is inherited. If neglected from the initial stages nephritis can lead to progressive deterioration and even be fatal. From your question I can assume that your child is already being provided with treatment and your main concern is with the recovery period and recurrence, and accordingly the focus here shall be on recovery and prevention of recurrence.
Prompt treatment for nephritis is extremely effective and most patients recover completely without any complications. If your child has been provided with the recommended treatments and medications, as directed, the symptoms should subside in either a few weeks or a month at least. Make sure you follow treatments and lifestyle or diet changes as suggested by your healthcare provider for a complete cure. The recovery and follow up period are just as important, so continue with treatments and any urinalysis studies, if recommended. This will also help to determine the chances of a recurrence and accordingly preventive action can be taken. If the infection is not completely cured and treatment is stopped, the condition can recur, leading to more serious complications and causing permanent kidney damage.
To take successful preventive action it is imperative that you understand the causes for nephritis. The condition usually occurs after a streptococcus infection or an attack of theumatic fever or scarlet fever. As far as possible avoid exposure to strep infection and make sure that prompt medical treatment is provided for scarlet fever or any other infection.
Nephritis, like other kidney conditions is also caused due to poor feeding habits and the habitual use of medications for treating mild conditions like stomach disorders and indigestion. Make it a point to use natural treatments or home remedies for the treatment of such minor and non threatening conditions. Following a proper diet that is well balanced should also help to prevent the occurrence of these conditions itself.
Diet for Glomerulonephritis
- Nephritis may also arise as a result of nutritional deficiencies, particularly if the diet lacks in vitamin B1, chlorine, magnesium or essential fatty acids.
- Make sure that your child’s diet has a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables as opposed to processed and fried foods.
- Vitamin B1 is found in most whole grain foods, pulses, green vegetables and fortified cereals.
- Green vegetables like spinach are also a good source of magnesium, as are certain nuts and seeds.
- Chlorine can be obtained through almost all fruits and vegetables.
- The best natural sources for essential fatty acids are fish, flaxseed oil, soya or canola oil, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and leafy vegetables.
- Vitamin or mineral supplements can also compensate for any deficiency, but should not be administered without consulting a nutritionist.