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Turmeric is a root crop mainly use for medicines, cooking and dairy products. Unlike the typical ginger, the turmeric root is one of the hundreds of traditional medicine used in Asia to these days. Commonly known as the rhizome, this root crop demonstrated its effectiveness in curing the gastrointestinal problems, arthritis and boosts energy at the same time. Moreover, turmeric usage is not limited to its medical purposes. In fact, this is also a contributor on some dairy and baked products.
If you are making comparisons on the typical ginger and turmeric, think twice for the latter have more to offer than the ginger your see in the kitchen.

The rhizome is beneficial in many cases in such a way that it both provides medical, physical and self-enhancement benefits. One of the non-negotiable findings in using the turmeric is its ancient usage in Asia to these days. Is there a special way of using this root crop to make sure that it will help you physically? The process of tea boiling is the same process used in turmeric. In fact, the root crop is taken internally as a boiled root crop and the boiled water is taken as tea. The result of taking turmeric as tea helps an individual who is suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, allowing temporary relief to the person. However, this is just a temporary relief because of the lack of scientific findings if really turmeric is the main source of relief or not.

Moreover, turmeric is also one of the highly researched herbal crops in search of the arthritis treatment. These days, elderly are usually the victims of rheumatism yet scientific findings show very minimal resources in resolving this concern. With the continuous researches, turmeric was identified to be an anti-inflammation root crop reducing joint inflammations or prohibits the swelling of joints in the body. This claim is proven already during the animal testing process and has identified how the use of turmeric could effectively minimize joint swelling on animal models.  

In search for scabies cure, the turmeric root crop is claimed to be one of the widely used herbal medicine. While it is true that many elderly people in the Asian region are using the rhizome in curing scabies, medical findings have no proof on that claims to date. Ironically, the turmeric is being used in the cosmetic industry these days. For example are turmeric pastes mainly used during extravagant celebration for people who would like to hide away those blemishes in their skins, particularly on the face part. Again, the use of this paste is customary in Thailand Asia and the Thai government extends its effort to support such practice by funding turmeric powder extraction.

In addition to medical and cosmetic benefits, turmeric is useful as an additive in foods, beverages, dairy and baked foods. For one, turmeric prevents food from being spoiled due to sunlight as it maintains the freshness of the food once the turmeric powder is applied.  However, one of the cautious actions needed when eating food with turmeric is to take note of the possible allergies you will incur. Some of the possible side effects are dizziness, diarrhea or upset stomach. Any feeling of discomfort during turmeric intake must be relayed to the physician as much as possible to prevent possible serious illness from occurring.

Submitted on January 16, 2014