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Dyspepsia Diet

The only effective treatment for dyspepsia is a thorough cleansing of the digestive tract and adoption of sensible dietary habits thereafter, along with change in style of living. Here are some simple ways to adopt a healthy diet and try some natural remedies that could prove beneficial:

Diet for Dyspepsia

The best way to initiate the treatment is to adopt an all-fruit diet for about five days. In this regimen, it is advisable to take three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, oranges, grapefruits, pineapples, peaches and melons. Dried, stewed or tinned fruits, however, must be avoided. Adequate precaution must be taken to see that no other foodstuff is added to the fruit meals; otherwise the value of the treatment will be lost.
In case of severe dyspepsia, it will be advisable to fast for two or three days before adopting an all-fruit diet. After the all-fruit diet one can progress to a restricted diet of easily digestible foods, consisting of lightly cooked vegetables, juicy fruits and buttermilk for about ten days. One may then gradually embark upon a well balanced diet. Further short periods of two or three days on the all fruit diet at monthly or two monthly intervals may be necessary in certain cases, depending on the progress.

Yogurt and cottage cheese may be used freely but one need to abstain from certain food items that could hinder the diet. Such avoidable foods include:

  • Spices and condiments such as pepper, mustard must be avoided.
  • Vinegar or pickles, which make food more palatable and lead to over-eating, must be avoided.
  • Alcohol, tobacco, strong tea and coffee must be avoided.
  • Highly seasoned meats, pulses, potato, rice, cheese, refined, processed, stale and tinned foods should all be avoided.

Home Remedies for dyspepsia:

  • A home remedy for chronic dyspepsia is to chew about one gram of ginger with powder of rock salt before meals.
  • For flatulence and gas, garlic is an excellent, remedy. It neutralizes putrefactive toxins and kills unhealthy bacteria. It also eliminates gas and helps digestion.
  • B vitamins are also beneficial in case of dyspepsia. B 1 or thiamine is especially useful for the digestion of starches. But it should be ensured that the whole B complex group in some form is added to prevent imbalance, which may be caused if only one B factor is given.
Eating-Rules for dyspepsia:

Those suffering from dyspepsia must always adhere to the following rules regarding eating:

  • Never eat and drink together. Water or other liquids can be taken half an hour before and one hour after a meal. Milk, buttermilk and vegetables soups can be taken with meals.
  • Never hurry through a meal. Eat very slowly and chew your food as thoroughly as possible.
  • Never fill the stomach completely. Always leave the table with a feeling that you could eat more.
  • Never sit down to a meal feeling worried; tired, excited, in a bad temper as such feelings temporarily paralyze the manufacture of digestive juices including hydrochloric acid.
  • Do not eat if appetite is lacking. Miss a meal or two, if necessary, until real appetite returns.
  • Never boil vegetables, always steam them. Do not mix too many foods at the same meal.
  • Never mix raw vegetables and raw fruits together as they require a different set of enzymes.
  • Take protein and starchy foods, separate as far as possible.
Dyspepsia Treatment

Here is a ready reference and guide to step-by-step method dieting and including other preventive measure to help combat the harmful effects of dyspepsia:


Step 1:

Raw juice diet for three to five days. A glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water should be taken every two hours during the day and warm water enema used to cleanse the bowels.

Step 2:

An all-fruit diet for further three to five days.

Step 3:

Progress to a well-balanced diet on the following lines:

  • Start the day by having 25 black raisins soaked overnight in water along with water in which they are soaked. It must be kept overnight in a copper vessel.
  • Breakfast may include fresh fruit and a glass of milk, sweetened with honey.
  • Lunch may include a bowl of freshly prepared steamed vegetable, two or three whole-wheat wheat tortilla and a glass of buttermilk.
  • Consider having a glass of carrot juice or coconut water at mid-afternoon.
  • Dinner could comprise of a large bowl of fresh green vegetable salad with lemon juice dressing, bean sprouts, cottage cheese or a glass of buttermilk.
  • Bedtime snack may include a glass of milk or one apple.

Step 4:

Follow the diet regime from the beginning i.e. raw juice diet for two days followed by all-fruit diet for three days at an interval of one month till the condition improves remarkably.

Step 5:

Avoid tea, coffee, sugar, white flour, all products made from them, refined foods, meat, condiments, pickles fried foods, smoking and alcohol.

Other Preventive Measures:

  • Drink at least six to eight glasses of water daily. Water should, however, not be taken with meals, but half an hour before or an hour after a meal.
  • Cold hipbath for 10 minutes daily and wet abdomen pack for one hour daily on an empty stomach can be immensely beneficial.
  • Yogic asanas.

Eating smaller meals at regular intervals can help to prevent worsening an existent case of indigestion. Chewing well and eating slowly also seems to help reduce the symptoms. If you feel a particular food is causing you problems, remove it from your dyspepsia diet plan. Keep a food diary where you note down your food intake and keep track of suspect triggers. Some common stomach irritants to avoid include alcohol, citrus fruits, chili, and pepper. Foods like cabbage, beans, and onions are known to form excess gas, which can lead to indigestion. Dyspepsia recipes also avoid heavy seasoning and cooking in oil, especially deep frying. Avoid protein sources rich in unhealthy fats and choose lean cuts. Tuna fish is an excellent source of lean protein and contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids. However, such a dyspepsia restrictive diet can make it a challenge to eat properly balanced meals. It is important to pay close attention to dyspepsia nutrition to avoid missing out on vital foods. You could consult your doctor about dietary pills that can compensate for any lost nutrients.

The most convenient dyspepsia treatment is over-the-counter antacids. These help to neutralize the excess acidity in the stomach and provide instant relief. You can even try drinking a glass of club soda for similar results. At home, drinking a glass of cold milk helps to coat the inflamed stomach lining, giving you some relief. Plain water can also help to dilute the stomach contents and reduce the discomfort. Fruit juices are recommended, since they are soothing and have nutritional value. Peppermint is also widely used to cure indigestion, usually in the form of a warm tea.  Your doctor can also prescribe medication to control acidity, reduce nausea, and prevent new attacks.

Submitted on January 16, 2014