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Diet Cure for Gall Bladder Disorder

Surgery becomes necessary if the gallstones are very large or in cases in which they have been present for long. Smaller gallstones can, however, be cleared through dietetic cure. In cases of acute gall-bladder inflammation, the patient should fast for two or three days, until the acute condition is cleared. Nothing but water should be taken during the fast. After the fast, the patient should take fruit and vegetable juices for few days.

The juice of carrots, beets, grapefruits, pears, lemons or grapes may be used.

Diet for Gall Bladder Disorder:

After the juices, the patient should adopt a well balanced diet, which should contain an adequate amount of all the essential nutrients. Ideally, the diet should be lacto-vegetarian, with emphasis on raw and cooked vegetables, fruit and vegetables juices, and a moderate amount of fruits and seeds. Pears should be eaten generously as they have a specific healing effect on gall¬bladder. Yogurt,-cottage cheese and a tablespoon of olive oil twice a day should also be included in the diet. Oil serves as a stimulant for the production of bile and lipase, the fat digesting enzymes. High quality vegetable oil in the diet also prevents gall-stone formation.

The patient should eat frequent small meals rather than three large meals. The following is the suggested menu for those suffering from gall-bladder disorders:

Upon arising:

A glass of lukewarm water mixed with lemon juice and honey or fresh fruit juice.


Fresh fruit, one or two slices of whole meals toast and a cup of skimmed powder milk.

Mid-morning: Fresh fruit juice.


Vegetable soup, a large salad consisting of vegetables in season with dressing of lemon or vegetable oil. Fresh fruit for dessert, if desired.


Vegetable juice, one or two lightly cooked vegetables, baked potato, brown or unpolished rice or whole-wheat wheat tortilla and a glass of buttermilk.

Natural Cure for Gall-Stones:

Oil cure has been advocated by some nature cure practitioners for the removal of gall-stones. Raw, natural, unrefined vegetable oils for egg, olive or sunflower oil are used. The procedure is to take one ounce of vegetable all, preferably olive oil, first thing in the morning and follow it immediately with four ounces of grapefruit juice or lemon juice. This treatment should be taken each morning for several days, even weeks, if necessary.

The pain of gall-stone colic can be relieved by the application of hot packs or fomentation to the Upper abdominal area. A warm water enema at body temperature will help eliminate faecal accumulations if the patient is constipated. Exercise is also essential.



I. Fast on raw juices for five days. Take a glass of juice diluted with water every two hours during the day and use warm water enema to cleanse the bowels.

II. After the juice fast, adopt a lacto-vegetarian diet on the following lines:-

1. Upon arising:

30 ml. Of olive oil and follow it immediately with 120 ml. Of lemon juice or grapefruit juice.

2. Breakfast:

Fresh fruit, one or two slices of whole meal toast and a cup of skimmed milk.

3. Mid-morning:

Carrot juice or lemon juice.

4. Lunch:

Vegetable soup, a large salad consisting of vegetables in season with dressing of lemon juice or vegetable oil. Fresh fruit for dessert, if desired.

5. Mid-afternoon:

A glass of carrot or lemon juice.

6. Dinner:

Vegetable soup or juice, one or two steamed vegetables, brown rice or whole wheat wheat tortilla and a glass III buttermilk.


All meats, eggs, animal fats, sugar, white flour, all products made from them processed and denatured foods, fried and greasy foods, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, tea, coffee, spices, condiments, pickles and smoking.


1. Apply regularly hot and cold fomentation to the abdomen.

2. A cold hipbath for ten minutes on an empty stomach or three hours after meals.

3. Hot pack or fomentation to the upper abdominal region in case of pain of gall stone colic.

4. Brisk walks and yogic asanas like shalabhasana, bhujangasana and shavasana.

Gallbladder Diet

Gallbladder problems are as common as they are distressing as the amount of discomfort and pain that they cause is substantial. Before getting into the details of gallbladder diet and gallbladder disease, we shall take a look at the role that this organ plays in the human body. The gallbladder is essentially a pear shaped, small organ that is present at the right hand side of an individual’s abdomen – just under the liver. The organ plays a very important role in the digestive system of the human body. This gland is primarily concerned with the production of ‘bile’ that helps in the digestion of a number of foods – especially fatty substances. The gallbladder also serves as a storage facility for the excess bile that may have been produced and will release it when food has been ingested. Because of the important roles that the gallbladder serves in the digestive system, gallbladder removal should only be considered as a last resort when dealing with gallbladder diseases.

Some of the more common symptoms that are likely to be prominent when affected by gallbladder diseases include bloating, constipation and indigestion. These could also take place due to gall bladder eating disorders. The development of gallstones is likely to cause a substantial amount of pain when they cause a blockage in the digestive tracts of the body.

Because of the fact that gallbladder diseases are such a common occurrence, there are a number of gallbladder diet recipes that will help reduce the impact that the condition is likely to have on the quality of your life. Gallbladder diets are especially known to be very effective when dealing with smaller gallstones. Initially, it is important to have the patient rest for a couple of days and consume nothing but water. After this fasting period, the patient should switch to a diet of purely fruits and vegetables for another few days with fruits juices made from carrot, beet, pears, grapefruit and grapes being extremely effective. After this phase is completed, your diet for gall bladder should include raw fruits and vegetables as well as small portions of yogurt and cottage cheese twice a day. However, one should keep in mind that any intake of eggs, meats, animal fats as well as fired and greasy foods should be avoided while on a gallbladder diet. Another helpful tip while on a gallbladder diet is to switch to smaller and more regular meals over the course of the day rather than sticking to 3 large meals.  




Submitted on January 16, 2014