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Sinusitis Diet

Diet for Sinusitis :

Correcting the faulty diet is of utmost importance in the treatment of sinusitis. Patients should take a balanced diet. Most persons with sinus trouble also suffer from acidity. Their diet should, therefore; veer to the alkaline side. The intake of salt should be reduced to the minimum as salt leads to accumulation of water in the tissues and expels calcium from the body.

In the acute stage of the disease, when fever is pre¬sent, the patient should abstain from all solid foods and only drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices diluted with water in the proportion of 50:50. After the fever subsides, he may adopt a low-calorie raw fruit and vegetable diet with plenty of raw juices.

After the acute symptoms are over, the patient may gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet of three basic food groups, namely seeds, nuts and grains; vegetables and fruits. In persistent chronic conditions, repeated short juice fasts may be undertaken for a week or so at intervals of two months.

Those suffering from sinusitis should completely avoid fried and starchy foods, white sugar, white flour, rice, macaroni products, pies, cakes and candies. They should also avoid strong spices, meat and meat products'. Butter and clarified butter should be used sparingly. Honey should be used for sweetening. All cooked foods should be freshly prepared for each meal. Vegetables should be taken in liberal quantities. All kinds of fruits can be taken with the exception of those belonging to citrus group such as lemon, lime, orange and grapefruit. Milk should be taken in liberal quantities as it contains calcium, which has a marked effect in overcoming inflammation of the tissues.

A diet rich in vitamin A is the best insurance against cold and sinus trouble. Vitamin A is the "membrane con¬ditioner" and it helps build healthy mucus membranes in the head and throat. Some of the valuable sources of this vitamin are whole milk, yoghurt, egg yolk, pumpkin, carrot, leafy vegetables, tomato, mango and papaya.

The carrot juice used separately or in combination with juices of beet and cucumber or with spinach juice is highly beneficial in the treatment of sinus trouble. Three ounces each of beet and cucumber juice or six ounces of spinach juice should be mixed with 10 ounces of carrot juices in these combinations.

At times; cold application over the sinus will give great relief; at other times alternate hot and cold application will prove beneficial. Plenty of sleep, adequate rest and fresh air are essential in the treatment of sinusitis.



I. Fast on fruit or vegetable juices for three days. Cleanse the bowels daily by warm water enema during this period.

II. An all-fruit diet, should be taken for further three days.
During this period, take three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits such as oranges, papaya, pineapples, mangoes, pears and grapes at five-hourly intervals.

III. Thereafter, the following diet should be adopted:-

1. Upon arising: A glass of lukewarm water with half a freshly squeezed lime and a teaspoon of honey.

2. Breakfast: Fresh fruits and a cup of fresh milk, sweetened with Honey,

3. Lunch: A bowl of steamed vegetables. Whole wheat dry wheat tortilla and a glass of buttermilk.

4. Mid-afternoon: A glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice.

5. Dinner: A bowl of fresh green vegetable salad, sprouted seeds and fresh homemade cottage cheese or a glass of buttermilk.

Note: Repeat short fast on juices for three days, followed by an all-fruit diet for three days further, at an interval of one month till condition improves.

AVOID: Meats, sugar, tea, coffee, condiments, pickles, refined foods, fried, heavy or greasy foods, and products made from sugar and white flour.

Specially Beneficial: Garlic, onion, large doses of vitamin A, and C, carrot juice in combination with beet juice and pineapple juice.


1. A hot epsom-salt bath twice a week in the night.

2. Steam bath once a week.

3. Fresh air, brisk walks.

4. Practise yogasanas daily.

5. Massage once a week.

Diet For Chronic Sinusitis

The sinuses are cavities located around the nose and are associated with the respiratory system. Sinusitis is a condition where the sinuses are inflamed and infected. When this happens, the cavities usually fill up with mucus. The sinuses are located behind the nose and eyes, in the cheeks and in the area below the eyes. The development of mucus in this area is caused by a reaction of the body. The reaction may occur due to an allergy or due to the presence of a foreign object. Mucus may also build up when there is an infection that may be viral or bacterial.  The buildup of mucus in this area causes the pain that is associated with sinusitis. Sinusitis pain may also be caused or exacerbated by the presence of air pockets within the mucus that is collected. This only serves to increase the pressure in the area further. Sinusitis is classified as acute or chronic, broadly speaking. Acute sinusitis is a condition that appears suddenly and lasts for a short period of time. This type of sinusitis is usually associated with some seasonal infection or condition and is generally quite violent. However, this type of sinusitis passes quickly. Chronic sinusitis on the other hand usually occurs with a low intensity, but tends to last for long periods of time.

Sinusitis is often considered to be a very irritating and annoying condition. Sinusitis does not warrant any major treatment and does not permit the individual to skip work or school. It can therefore be classified as a low grade irrigating condition that affects the performance of an individual and causes continuous irritation. In serious cases, sinusitis may cause severe blockage of the nasal canals. This may mean that the patient has to undergo some form of surgery to clear the sinuses of the mucus that has accumulated and become jammed in the area.

The diagnosis of sinusitis is usually done by a physical examination of the affected areas and by reviewing the symptoms of the patient. In some cases, an x-ray image may be used to determine if there is significant blockage in the sinus cavities. A sample of the mucus may be collected to check for bacterial infections. However, this is rarely done and in most cases, the patient is treated for a bacterial infection based on the symptoms that are present along with the actual problem of sinusitis.
The treatment of sinusitis is based on antibiotic medication and other medications. Invasive treatments may be necessary to help drain the sinuses. Certain medications also act as decongestants and these may be used to deal with the problem. A popular home remedy for sinusitis is based on the use of steam as a device to clear the sinuses. Steam is inhaled by the individual during this therapy. The individual then tries to forcefully exhale from the nose. This may help to dislodge mucus and may lead to the drainage of fluids from the sinuses. Steam inhalation is sometimes done with the use of some medication that is added to the water so that the vapors from this medication can help ease the irritation and inflammation that is causing the mucus build up in the first place.

Another way to deal with sinusitis is by using a sinusitis diet. This type of diet is designed for times when the individual suffers from sinusitis and related conditions. Sinusitis is often just one of the symptoms that are affecting the patient. Patients with sinusitis often suffer from fever and other ailments such as a sore throat. The diet for sinusitis is a low salt diet. Salt usually causes fluid to accumulate in the tissues of the body. This is something that one does not need or want during an attack of sinusitis. It is therefore best to have a low salt diet. A chronic sinusitis diet should also include plenty of warm fluids like soups. These warm fluids may help to warm up the nasal passage and may help with the release of some of the fluid accumulated in the sinuses. A patient suffering from acute sinusitis should relax his or her body and should consume fresh juices, soups and semi solid foods. These will help to hydrate the body and provide energy as the body fights the condition. Solid foods are usually avoided as they individual may suffer from difficulty with digestion if there is a problem that is affecting the whole body. Sinusitis is often accompanied by a lack of appetite. Therefore, it is easier to force the individual to feed on liquids at this time. Nutrition during an attack of sinusitis is essential because the body needs all the energy it can get to fight off the infection that is causing the problem.

In general the consumption of fried foods is not considered to be healthy. When an individual suffers from sinusitis, the diet for sinusitis should avoid fried foods along with other foods like refined sugars, refined flour, meat, meat products, rice and cakes. Vegetables on the other hand are required and should be consumed as much as possible. Most vegetables contain a range of nutrients including vital vitamins and minerals. When the body is fighting with sinusitis, it may benefit from the presence of these substances in its system as they can provide the body with the tools it needs to fight off the infection. Vitamin A is a substance that is required when one wishes to plan a diet for chronic sinusitis. Vitamin A helps with the development and maintenance of mucus membranes. Often, the irritation of the membrane is the cause for the problem to start in the first place. When curing the condition, one should ensure that the damaged mucus membranes are sufficiently supplied with nutrition so that they repair themselves effectively and do not fall prey to a repeat attack of the same condition. The best food for sinusitis is any food that features in a balanced and healthy diet. This will boost immunity and help avoid relapses. 

Submitted on January 16, 2014