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Ebony Fruit - Effective Hookworm Killers

According to estimates, over a billion people are infected with worms. This problem is especially severe in many developing countries such as India, where ninety per cent of the population is suffering from some form of worm infection. The most common worm infection in rural areas is due to the Hookworm (Ankylostoma duodenale). The larvae of this worm enter the human body through the skin and then burrow their way to the blood stream where they grow to maturity. The worm resides in the soil and most commonly enters the skin through the foot.
Once the worm is lodged in the blood stream it can lead to complications such as severe anemia, weakness, breathlessness, and swelling of the limbs.

The allopathic drug Metronidazole is commonly used to treat this infection. However, this drug is not always readily available in rural areas, where the infection most commonly occurs. There is therefore a requirement for a cheaper medicine that can be formulated from locally grown herbs. One such medical alternative is prevalent in Thailand.

According to traditional Thai medicine, the fruit of the Ebony (Diospyros mollis) tree is very effective for treating hookworm infections. The fruit of the tree is pounded and mixed with coconut milk and given to the patient on an empty stomach. Clinical trials conducted by Dr Saudn and Dr Vajrasthira in 1954 have confirmed the effectiveness of this extract in treating hookworm infections. These results have been corroborated by the independent research of Dr H. G. Sen of India. In fact, this concoction has been successfully demonstrated to be more effective than the allopathic medication Hexylresorcinol in the treatment of hookworm infection.

Although the Diospyros mollis does not grow in India, there are a couple of other trees of the same family such as Diospyros benum, Diospyrus melanoxylon and Diospyros Montana that are found here locally. The need of the hour is for scientists to test these plants and check if they can be used as an alternative treatment for hookworm infection.

Hookworm treatment:

Hookworm larvae enter the human body through the soles of the feet when a person walks on infected soil. Most often hookworm infection occurs because of unsanitary conditions. The larvae enter the blood stream from the skin and then into the lymphatic system and the lungs from where they get into the windpipe and are swallowed into the intestines. Once they enter the intestines they hook themselves into the walls of the intestine and start sucking blood and juices from the tissues. The worm stays in place along the intestine and does not get dislodged, however, the eggs and larvae are spread by the infected person stools is the habits are not hygienic. Only a pathological test will diagnose the presence of hook worms in a person which would have to be treated by a physician with one of the several medications available.

Ebony fruit:

The ebony fruit also known as diospyros mollis is known to be very effective in getting rid of hook worm infection. This fruit is pounded and the pulp is mixed with milk of the coconut and given to the infected person on an empty stomach. This concoction has proved to be more effective then the medications available in allopathic cures. The fruit is easily available in Thailand where this treatment for hookworms is widely practiced. The wood of the ebony tree is used to make furniture. 

Hookworm treatment for humans:

Hookworm treatment for humans is available in various forms of allopathic drugs and there are natural remedies which are effective too. To find out whether a person has hookworm infection the stool specimen would have to be examined pathologically. Symptoms in those who have hook worm infection are not always visible and start only if the infestation is severe. Some of the symptoms are pain in the abdomen, nausea, cramps in the lower abdomen and diarrhea. The eggs and larvae are passed out in the feces and an examination will confirm if the person has hook worms. One of the symptoms in those infected with this parasite could be anemia, and this would also have to be treated effectively.

Hookworm’s natural remedies:

Hookworm’s natural remedies should be started before one knows that they are infected with this parasite and better still prevent the infection. The best way to avoid getting infected is to have hygienic habits. It is best to avoid walking bare feet as most often the infection enters through the soles of the feet; make sure that the meats you eat are well cooked; wash your hands thoroughly before eating and if you have pets ensure that they are de-wormed regularly.

Plant remedy for hookworm

Natural remedies include plant remedy for hook worm treatment. Eating a diet which is rich in fiber helps eliminate the larvae of the various parasites from your gut. Fiber helps to prevent the worms from attaching themselves to the walls of the intestines. Papaya juice mixed with honey should be had first thing in the morning and this should be followed by a warm glass of milk. Doing this for two days will get rid of the larvae in the intestines. Other natural remedies include dried pumpkin seeds, aloe vera juice, garlic, black walnut, and primrose root. 

Submitted on January 16, 2014