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Obesity Diet

It is a well-known fact that obesity is one of the leading health concerns in today’s world, being responsible for more than 325,000 deaths in the United States alone. People who are obese, i.e., those who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) reading of more than 30 are at a very high risk of suffering from various diseases, which include diabetes, heart problems, strokes, high blood pressure and many more. Fortunately, as the awareness of obesity and the problems that are associated with it grows, most of the people who are morbidly overweight have begun taking steps to reach their health weight goal, as soon as possible. Unfortunately, there are many people who resort to obesity diet pills and supplements, which may suppress their appetite and help them lose weight rapidly. However, there are some severe side effects that have been associated with the use of such methods.
Others follow a crash diet for reducing weight, which may also help in getting rid of the extra pounds quite rapidly; however, the diets could lead to nutritional deficiencies if continued on a long term basis and once discontinued, people are likely to gain more weight than they had lost.  Therefore, it may be best for people to follow a proper, healthy obesity diet and exercise plan instead, which can help them lose weight at a moderate, but steady pace. Since obesity in children is also one of the biggest concerns faced by most parents, it is important for them to seek help and design a healthy childhood obesity diet. An effective and nutritious obesity diet plan not only allows people to reach their weight goal at a fast pace, it also improves their overall health, by increasing energy and boosting their immunity.

In case of people who have a BMI of more than 35, the best option may be to undergo a bariatric weight loss surgery. However, people who have a BMI between 30 and 35 may be able to reach their healthy weight range by following a healthy diet for obesity, a good workout routine and making a few healthy lifestyle changes. For maximum effectiveness, people should plan an obesity diet chart, which includes a wide variety of nutritious foods that have been prepared using healthy cooking techniques. The first step is to identify how many calories are being consumed on a daily basis and then check with a nutritionist about how many calories should be consumed each day, based on factors like gender, age, height, weight and levels of physical activity. Some of the suggestions of a healthy diet chart to reduce weight are to eliminate calories that come from sugar or oil and to reduce portions consumed at each meal.

Most people are under the impression that when following an obesity menu, they will end up consuming bland, boring and tasteless meals on a daily basis. However, this is not true at all, as several obesity diet recipes that enable people to consume their favorite food, prepared in a healthy manner, flavored with healthy spices and herbs. Moreover, a diet in obesity allows people to eat a wide variety of foods, which include fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, skinless poultry, whole grains, certain cereals, seeds and low fat dairy products. Such a diet meets the obesity dietary needs of most people, eliminating unhealthy foods like saturated fats and trans-fats from a diet. To control obesity, diet soda too, must be eliminated from your diet.

Obesity Diet Menu

Given below is a sample of a menu for obese people, based on obesity diet recommendations:

• Early morning: Warm water with the some freshly squeezed lemon juice
• Breakfast: Wheat or chickpea sprouts, with a cup of skim milk
• Morning Snack: Carrot juice of orange juice
• Lunch: Garden Salad or a mixture of steamed veggies, like cucumber, carrots, cauliflower, beetroot, onions and tomatoes
• Evening Snack: Vegetable soup or coconut water
• Dinner: Steamed Salmon, with half a cup of brown rice and half an orange

It is important for people to realize that obesity dietary management is a long term commitment, more like a lifestyle change, which needs to be followed on a continual basis. There are numerous obesity dietary guidelines that are easily available through online resources and health articles. However, it is absolutely essential to check with a doctor and get an approval, before following any of these guidelines.

Obesity Food

Following an obesity meal plan usually enables people to lose their excess pounds and reach their healthy weight as soon as possible. It is a well-known fact that obesity foods to avoid include fried food, junk food, sugar, processed food, as well as those food items that are calorie dense or high in starch. However, while people may be aware of the foods that should be avoided when following a weight loss diet plan, not a lot of people are aware of what the healthy obesity foods to eat are.

Food for reducing weight

Given below are some of the healthy foods that should be incorporated in a weight loss diet:

• Between 4 to 7 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day, as they are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. These foods are not just good for weight loss, but also reduce risks of diseases
• Whole grains like whole wheat bread and pasta, breakfast cereal (low sugar), brown rice, buckwheat, quinoa, barley, oat bran and oats.
• Low fat dairy products such as skim milk, plain yogurt and cottage cheese
• Seeds and a few varieties of nuts
• High quality protein, which is low in fat, like chicken, turkey, legumes and fish

Many obese people are advised to follow a juice diet or the juice fast for a period of a week or so, so that they can shed the excess extra pounds faster. Health and nutrition experts advise people to consume fresh fruit or vegetable juice for obesity.

Before following any diet plan or making any major changes to an existing diet, it is important to consult a doctor and get an approval. This is all the more important for people who are elderly or are suffering from any preexisting medical condition. Pregnant women too, should be careful before following any diet plan and should consult a doctor before doing so.

Submitted on January 16, 2014