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Healthy Diet Plans >>  Therapeutic Value of Different Foods >>  Vegetables >>  Parsley


A balanced meal will always have fish, meat, fruits, and generous portions of vegetables.  Each food group promotes good health when taken in the right proportions.  Eating more meat than fruits and vegetables can lead to ailments like heart disease and arthritis.   The beneficial nutrients in vegetables can boost body resistance against a host of ailments.  Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is one such vegetable loaded with nutrients.   

Raw parsley contains 6 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fat, 3 grams of protein, and 6 grams of carbohydrates.  It is loaded with 113 mg of Vitamin C and 421 µg of Vitamin A.  It also has a high content of iron, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin, and fiber.  Niacin, thiamin, and phosphorus complete the nutrient count.  

Parsley is used as a tea to control high blood pressure, a diuretic, and anti-itch topical application.  The plant’s leaves and seeds are used to treat jaundice, menstrual problems, gall stones, indigestion, and asthma.  The fresh crisp leaves can be chewed to freshen breath.  The herb had been observed to tone uterine muscles, a laxative, and antimicrobial agent.  

Parsley leaves are recommended for the treatment of gall bladder ailments, vomiting stomach conditions, and nausea.  The roots are effective as expectorants, carminative, and anti-spasmodic.  As a diuretic, it helps prevent the buildup of kidney stones.  Women take parsley for increased menstrual flow.   In men, parsley juice increases seminal discharge.  Parsley oil is also effective for mucus discharges, neutralizes carcinogens present in cigarette smoke.  

Rich in folic acid, parsley promotes a healthy heart, prevents cervical and colon cancers.   Folic acid is a vital nutrient that promotes cardiovascular health.  It converts dangerous amino acids into harmless molecules.  This action reduces the dangers of stroke and heart attack.  Since it is rich in anti-oxidants or flavonoids, cell damage can be reduced.   

Parsley contains high levels of Vitamin C, essential to rheumatioid arthritis protection.  People who ingested more Vitamin C were less prone to rheumatic diseases.  The oils of the plant inhibit the growth of lung tumors.

All these health benefits are provide by just 2 tablespoons of parsley everyday.  The fresh herb is more potent and flavorful than dried parsley.  Parsley should be incorporated into everyday meals not just a garnishing of salads and sandwiches.  Add these into soups, stews, and salads.  The anti-oxidant nutrients the herb will strengthen the body’s immune system.

To have fresh parsley available at all times, plant this in your herbal garden or indoor garden.  The ideal time to plant parsley is from spring to autumn.  The seeds take 6 weeks to germinate.  Insert the seeds into the soil six to eight inches apart.  When fully grown it may have a height of six to eight inches at first bloom having parsnip-like roots.  When it grows to three feet, it produces yellow flowers.  The leaves are harvested when the herb has grown 8 inches.  There are two varieties of parsley, the curled leaf and the straight variety.  Each has its distinctive flavor.  Parsley, either fresh or processed, will still be potent.
Submitted on January 16, 2014