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CHOLINE – For A Healthy Liver

Choline is highly soluble in water and alcohol. Concentrated choline decomposes when it is boiled. Alcohol, food processing, sulphur drugs and water destroy it. It is present in relatively large amounts in the body as well as food. It is mostly absorbed from the intestine and excreted mostly through the urine.

Functions in the Body
Accumulation of fats in the liver is prevented by choline.

Fats and cholesterol can be utilized by the combined work of choline and inositol (another B group vitamin). Choline protects the brain against the side effects of the variations in daily diet. Choline produces a chemical in the brain cells that aids memory.

Fish and seafoods have liberal quantities of choline.
(R.D.A. – Men – 1000mcg, Women – 1000mcg, Children – 550mg)

Deficiency Symptoms
High B.P., hardening of the arteries, cirrhosis and the fatty degeneration of the liver occur due to the prolonged deficiency of choline.

Healing and Therapeutic Properties
When serum and lecithin is administered orally it increases the level in human beings.

1. High Blood Pressure – Diets deficient in choline have reported high B.P. in animals. Constipation, dizziness, headaches, noises in the ear and palpitations and other symptoms improved or disappeared completely within 5-10 days of the vitamin was started. The blood pressure then dropped to normal, but not below normal. There was also a gradual relief from sleeplessness, swelling of the body, trembling and visual disturbances.
2. Heart Disease – In the treatment of heart disease particularly choline along with Inositol has been found very beneficial. There was a decrease in the amount of fat in the blood and in the size of cholesterol particles, (for patient’s recovery from heart attacks) when doses of choline and inositol were administered.
3. Liver Damage – Fats accumulate in the liver if there is a deficiency in choline. The liver then swells and many of the liver cells may burst. The fat then flows into the blood and bile; and liver develops scars. If choline is given in earlier stages the liver becomes healthy again.
4. Nephritis – Inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis) can be treated well by using choline. Choline deficient people with fatty livers had high blood urea and albumin in the urine, showing mild nephritis. When choline was given with an adequate diet the disease disappeared quickly. Choline alone is less effective and should be given with lecithin or inositol.

Depression, diarrhea, nausea and salivation are the adverse side effects that occur from oral administration of large quantities of choline and lecithin.

Submitted on January 16, 2014