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Cold Sores

Cold sores are fluid-filled, painful, small sores or blisters that form on the nose, mouth or lips; they are caused due to a virus. These sores can be quite painful and normally last for some days. Unlike most infections of viruses, the cold sore virus does not totally get eliminated by the defenses of the body.  This is why cold sores usually recur. The reason for cold sores inside the mouth is the herpes simplex virus. There are two types the herpes virus: HSV type 2 and HSV type 1. In most of the cases, HSV type 1 cause cold sores inside the mouth.
You could try some home remedies to treat cold sores in the mouth. Firstly, you should take non-prescription antiviral medications. They can be very effective in reducing the symptoms of the cold sores in the mouth. You should also begin to use toothpaste that has zinc. You can directly apply it to the cold sores in the mouth. The HSV type 1 is responsible for cold sores on the lips as well. This kind of herpes is very common and forms a contagious cold sore. Cold sores on the tongue and mouth are also known as canker sores. The thing about canker sores is that they are not very contagious. These sores usually take around seven days to get completely healed. See also cold sores diet

Is it bad to pop a cold sore?


Many people say that the popping of cold sores can make the healing process faster. However, there are others who say that popping cold sores can make the condition more complicated. Therefore, there are conflicting opinions regarding the popping of cold sores. Those who are for popping cold sores say that the healing process will be hastened as the cold sore that is popped will scab in a few days rather than a week. It is also believed that popping them will cause the small blisters to dry out for earlier scabbing and healing. However, it is bad to pop cold sores as the virus can be transferred to the other body parts that come into contact with the sores. Popping the blisters also make them susceptible to germs and bacteria that can cause a different infection.

Cold Sores Causes

Each person is different, and every event of a cold sore is unique. However, for the majority of cold sore victims, the cold sore causes are similar. The main cause of all cold sores is the herpes simplex virus. There are eight different kinds of herpes viruses, and two of them are known to cause cold sores. Not everyone carries these viruses that are highly contagious. Usually, this virus is dormant, but when it becomes active, the replication process will begin on the nose or lips. This is what usually causes all cold sores. You can refer to many websites on the Internet for more information on HPV and cold sores. Some of the cold sores causes and triggers are fatigue, cold weather, sun exposure, hormonal imbalances, and trauma. Stress and cold sores have a major connection, and stress is considered to be one of the main cold sore causes in adults. Stress can disrupt the functioning of the immune system and cause the cold sore virus, which is normally dormant, to resurface. Some of the cold sore causes in children are illnesses, excessive exposure to the sun, putting toys in the mouth, and stress. Ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be used to help reduce the discomfort.

Can pregnancy cause cold sores?

Pregnancy and cold sores usually go together. It is quite common for women who are pregnant to experience an outbreak of the HSV types 1 virus. The two common risk factors for the development of cold sores include a weakened immune system and stress. Since women who are pregnant tend to have a lower immune system and increased stress levels cold sores in pregnant women is prevalent. Although there is the risk of the baby getting infected, this is nothing to worry about.

Cold Sores Treatment

Cold sores have the HSV types 1 virus, and individuals with cold sores should frequently wash their hands, especially after the face is touched. There should not be the sharing of eating utensils and cups. Cold sore treatment at home could include rubbing the juice of aloe on the sores and consuming vitamin C and vitamin A to treat the cold sores. Consuming yogurt can help reduce the chances of the cold sores spreading. Putting ice on cold sores can help prevent the sores from becoming worse and spreading. This can be used as one of the effective cold sore remedies during pregnancy. Using a tea bag for cold sores can be effective as it helps in reducing the pain and prevents it from becoming worse. An effective cold sores treatment for children is lysine. Lysine is safe for kids of any age and is present in products specifically meant for managing outbreaks of cold sores in children.

Cold Sores Symptoms

When an individual is infected with the herpes simplex virus, the cold sore symptoms do not begin immediately. This period between getting infected and the manifestation of the symptoms is called the incubation period. This period can be between 1 to 16 days. Some of the cold sores symptoms are fever, swollen neck glands, blisters, and soreness in the lips and mouth. Cold sores and pregnancy usually go together. You can get more information on the relationship between the cold sores signs and pregnancy on various websites. To avoid experiencing the cold sores symptoms, prevention is necessary. You should avoid mucous membrane or skin to skin contact with an individual who has a cold sore that is active; also, the sharing of objects that have come into contact with a cold sore should be avoided. Cold sores and oral herpes is the same thing. As mentioned earlier, cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. Herpes simplex virus type 2 is the STD form of herpes, and it can be contracted by someone who has the genital herpes virus.
Submitted on January 16, 2014