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Diet for Borderline Diabetes

Explain advantages of Borderline Diabetes Diet?
(October 19, 2010)

Borderline diabetes is a condition when your glucose levels are higher than normal levels, but not elevated enough to indicate diabetes. Those who have borderline diabetes, or prediabetes as it is commonly known as, do not have any symptoms, but they are generally considered to be more susceptible to heart disease. Doctors are of the opinion that borderline diabetes should not be ignored as it could, in ten years or so, turn into diabetes (type 2). Following a borderline diabetes diet is one way you can prevent this from happening. Our borderline diabetes diet tips will help you prevent diabetes and maintain a lifestyle that is healthy.

• Increase your fiber intake. This helps prevent diabetes as it aids the digestion process, especially that of sugars and fats. Borderline diabetes foods or high fiber foods include green leafy vegetables, beans, lentils, bran, and fresh berries. You can also go in for fiber supplements, but they should not replace the fiber got from natural sources.
• Avoid artificial and processed foods and move over to sources of food that are natural. Vegetables and fresh fruits should comprise about 50% of what you consume. You could cook your vegetables in olive oil, chop them into salads, or bake them. Yoghurt can be made more interesting by adding some fruit to it, or you can have bran cereal at breakfast. Meat should be skinless, low fat, and fresh. Try avoiding marinades as they are sugar and salt laden. Instead of frying meat, try baking, grilling, or broiling instead. While following a borderline diabetes diet, avoid white flour and white sugar and switch to brown rice, whole grains, and bran. Pre-packaged meals should be replaced with meals made at home from fresh ingredients. Borderline diabetes food such as unsweetened almond, rice or soy milk, skim milk, non-fat yoghurt, and low-fat cheeses are great options.
• Borderline type 2 diabetes can be avoided by consuming diet drinks and sugar-free drinks or completely avoiding them. Drink plenty of water instead. Water helps combat borderline diabetes, and the best option you have is to replace soda, juices, sports drinks, and artificial drinks with water.
• In addition to following a dietary regimen and a borderline sugar diet, it is important that you exercise regularly. Moderately exercising for about 30 minutes daily can help manage and prevent diabetes. Try exercise such as swimming, cycling or going for a brisk walk. High impact aerobic exercises not only help you lose weight, but also prevent you from getting type 2 diabetes.
• Controlling your blood pressure or keeping it within ranges that are normal can also delay as well as control diabetes. Your doctor may also advice that you stop or reduce smoking and drinking alcohol as this would help lower your risk of getting heart disease.

Prediabetes can be controlled by leading a lifestyle that is healthier. By following borderline diabetes diet and going in for lifestyle changes, you can control your blood sugar levels and postpone the need of using insulin and other medications.  

Submitted by A V on October 19, 2010 at 04:06


Diet for Diabetes

Borderline diabetes is seen in individuals with a postprandial blood sugar range between 140 and 199 mg/dl. Postprandial sugar level is the blood glucose level, two hours after the administration of 50 grams of glucose. If the fasting blood sugar level is between 110 and 125 mg/dl, the individual is supposed to be suffering from borderline diabetes.

The levels might in turn indicate the presence of type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance or impaired glucose tolerance. Insulin resistance results in increased risk of heart diseases, clogged arteries and atherosclerosis. It also results in impaired glucose tolerance, a condition wherein the body fails to react to insulin, thereby resulting in insulin excess. Excessive insulin causes stagnation of insulin. The resulting complications are damage to the kidneys, eyes and heart.

Borderline diabetes is regulated by adherence to strict dietary regimen. Excessive weight or obesity worsens diabetes. Individuals with borderline diabetes should perform regular exercise to curb the condition. A glucose monitoring machine ate the home level is helpful. A diet guide such as the food pyramid proves beneficial. A balance between diet and exercise with alternate therapies like meditation and yoga are helpful.
Submitted by E L on May 19, 2008 at 04:02


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