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 | Weight loss for nursing mother: I am a mother of 5 month old son. I want to reduce weight. I am 66 kg and 5ft4inchs. I want to reduce at least 10 kg. I am a nursing mother. Suggest me a diet plan. - March 15, 2011 Diet for Nursing Mother to Lose WeightHi! Welcome to the mother family! You are slightly above the ideal body weight range. You need to lose around 5 ... |
 | Anal Fistula Advice: I have been suffering from fistula in ano for about 15 years. Surgical treatment is risky for anal sphincter. Is there any non surgical treatment for this fistula? - March 10, 2011 Anal FistulaAn anal fistula is an abnormal canal that forms between the anal canal and the skin surface. It is inflammatory in nature and occurs... |
 | Wine Carbohydrates: Does wine contain carbohydrates. Can you give the amount of calories in wine? - March 8, 2011 Carbohydrates and Calories in WineWine is the oldest of the alcoholic beverages made by fermentation of grape juice. It is a product of vine but also ... |
 | Low Residue Diet: What is Low Residue Diet? I heard about this from a friend, can you tell me something more about this? - March 8, 2011 Low Fiber DietThe low residue diet or the low fibre diet is a diet restricted in fibre. It is used in the transition period, after surgery, during ... |
 | Infant Weight Gain: I need help on Infant Weight Gain. Can some one please answer? - March 8, 2011 Weight Gain during InfancyThe first two years of life is characterized by rapid physical, social and mental growth and development. Healthy well ... |
 | Overweight Women: Assist me with information on obesity in women. Whatever you can tell me will be great! - March 8, 2011 Overweight Women InformationA women who had excess body weight than the ideal body weight according to her height then she is considered overweight. ... |
 | Ideal body weight tips: I am 19 yr old male my height is 5'11 and my weight is 76kgs. Suggest a nutritional diet and what I have to eat in breakfast, lunch and dinner? - March 8, 2011 Ideal body weight tips According to the height, the weight seems to be ideal. It is very essential to maintain the weight for carrying out ... |
 | Fiber Diet: Can you give me some guidelines on the Fiber Diet. I am looking out for useful tip on Fiber Diets to implement this diet plan. - March 8, 2011 Fiber Diet for Clean IntestineDietary fiber is extremely important in promoting contractions in the alimentary tract that helps in the removing of ... |
 | Home remedies for belly weight loss: How can I reduce my belly fat it's difficult for me to leave food any kind of food tell some easy method if possible. Thanks in advance - March 7, 2011 Diet and Treatment for Belly Fat LossThere is no easy way out in weight reduction, except for diet restriction, lifestyle modification and exercise. ... |
 | Bread Carbohydrates: does any one know if bread contains carbohydrates. Searching for help for a while now? - March 7, 2011 Carbohydrates in BreadCarbohydrates in bread include sugar and starch. Complex carbohydrates help in bowel movements and are made of three or more ... |
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