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 | Natural Treatment for hiatus hernia: Does alcohol irritate a hiatus hernia - August 5, 2011 Effects of Alcohol on Hiatus HerniaHiatus hernia is a condition, wherein a portion of the stomach protrudes into the chest. This happens through the ... |
 | Diet plan for ulcer: I am searching for a diet plan for ulcer patients. - August 5, 2011 Ulcers Treatment with Diet Some people with ulcers might not have a major issue with many foods they consume, while for others even a small piece... |
 | Gestational Diabetes Diet Plan: Looking for more information on Gestational Diabetes Diet Plan wanted to know more on this? - August 5, 2011 Gestational Diabetes Diet Plan Gestational diabetes mellitus is any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during ... |
 | Crash Diet Plans: Do crash diets really work? If not then what are some of the best ways to avoid piling up calories? - August 5, 2011 Obesity was only linked to the negative effects it had on the aesthetics of an individual until a few decades ago, but now people are becoming more ... |
 | Diet foods for Heat diseases: What food can heart patients eat for their breakfast, lunch and dinner? - August 5, 2011 Heart disease or cardiovascular disease is usually caused by high cholesterol or by hypertension (high blood pressure). The disease typically ... |
 | Genetically Modified Food Facts: How helpful are genetically modified foods? - August 5, 2011 Genetically modified food, otherwise known as GMO (Genetically modified organisms) refers to crops and plants altered for human or animal consumption ... |
 | I am 25 yrs male and suffering from hair loss at a very young age kindly advice me how I could recover my hair? - August 5, 2011 How To Recover Hair LossEach hair grows approximately little less than half an inch in the hair growth cycle which lasts for 2-6 years. Around 90 ... |
 | Tomatoes and Lycopene: Is tomato sauce healthy? Is it ok to include a lot of tomato sauce in daily diet or is there a limit to be followed? - August 4, 2011 Tomato sauce or ketchup is a common part of our diets. One generally related to ketchup with pizzas, fries and other forms of junk food. It is found ... |
 | Salad Carbohydrates: Explain advantages of Salad Carbs? - August 4, 2011 Benefits of Carbohydrates in FruitsSalads are an essential part of every meal. They are made of vegetables, fruits, legumes and so on. Dressing on ... |
 | Fresh Fruit Juices: Are there any healthy summer soft drinks that I can make for my child? - August 4, 2011 The summer is the hottest time in the year. Depending on one’s geographical location, the summer can be mild or intense. In parts of the world, ... |
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