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Dong Quai

Angelica sinensis, Chinese angelica, dang gui, tang kuei are the other names for Dong quai. Dong quai is a herb of the celery family native to China, Japan, and Korea. The root is medicinally active.

In Chinese medicine, the broader end of the root has anticoagulant activity, the central part is used a refresher, and the distal tapering end of the root eliminates blood stagnation. It is also referred to as the "female ginseng".
It has a balancing effect on the female hormones, though hormone-like role is not exhibited by the plant. It plays a vital role in tumors, allergies, constipation, menopause, irregular bleeding and pain in menstruation, hypertension, breast disease, constipation, anemia and headache. Dong quai comes in pills or tablet, liquid extract, and raw root forms.

Traditional Chinese medicine uses dong quai after soaking in wine or boiling. The root is strained and the liquid is taken orally. Dong quai should not be used by people suffering from bleeding disorders, diarrhea, excessive menstrual bleeding, abdominal bloating, or during infections such as colds and flu. Take the guidance of a physician, incase of unusual bruising, diarrhea, bleeding or fever. Dong quai may contain estrogen-like analogous compounds and is restricted for pregnant or nursing women and children.

Dong quai is a sweet-smelling herb commonly grown in China. Don quai occupies a secondary place after Ginseng and is the penultimate, over all-purpose, woman's tonic herb. Gynecological problems such as menses regulation and treatment of hot flushes and night sweats in menopausal women are accomplished by Dong quai. Dong quai is recurrently used by the Chinese as an escalation treatment for the heart, liver, spleen and kidneys. Both men and women utilize the herb as a general blood tonic.

Dong quai is a good source of vitamins B12, A and E. Six coumarin derivatives have been identified in exhibiting the property of dilation of the blood vessels.They are used for relief from menstrual cramps. Dong quai contains essential oils that are rch in chemical components such as butylphthalide and ligustilide. Ferulic acid and various polysaccharides are also found in dong quai's root, which play a vital role in protecting from muscle twitches and pain. They also decrease coagulation of blood and provides relaxation to the outer vessels.

Present day treatments involve the herb in preventing premenstrual syndrome and to help women recommence the cycle after usage of contraceptive pills. High blood pressure prevention is possible. This herb helps in harmonizing and curing problems associated with female cycles. It can trigger the brain and the nervous system Thereby providing relief from headaches linked with menstrual problems. It relieves menopausal symptoms like night sweats, dryness of vagina, hot flushes and pelvic pain cure. Traditional Chinese medicine uses the herb has also been used as a blood purifier, to enhance blood circulation and nourish the blood in both sexes.

Submitted on September 12, 2008