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  • Advice on Diet Pepsi Max
    Diet Pepsi Max: Can someone educate me on Diet Pepsi Max.[...]

  • Caffeine Addiction - Calorific Value, Beverages and Side Effects
    Caffeine Content in Tea, Coffee, Sodas And FoodsCaffeine is a substance that is commonly found in many beverages like tea, coffee and aerated drinks, as well as processed foods like chocolate and certain flavors of frozen yogurt or ice cream. Simply put, even though it is present in several items[...]

  • Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms and Treatment
    Symptoms Of Caffeine WithdrawalCaffeine can be described as a stimulant or even a drug that is present in many beverages and even some forms of processed food. Like any other drug, caffeine can be very addictive. In fact, people who consume high amounts of caffeine every day, in the form[...]

  • Side Effects of Caffeine on Women Health
    Caffeine and WomenPeople are consuming caffeine and caffeinated beverages since years, but its effects especially on a women health are studied carefully. Caffeine occurs naturally in coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa, cola nuts and seeds and fruits of more than 63 plant species world wide. Depending on the amount type[...]

  • Treatment for Headache Due to Caffeinated Beverage
    Headache Due To CaffeineCaffeine is felt to be one among the most popular drinks or products that works like a stimulant and is used by lots of people in eradicating the feeling of drowsiness and fatigue. There are many ways in which one can try and limit their caffeine intake[...]

  • Weight loss for Diabetics
    Diet Pills And Diabetes: What are Diet Pills And Diabetes. Would it help me lose some weight and also control my diabetes?[...]

  • Osteoarthritis Advice | Caffeine And Osteoarthritis | Decaffeinated Coffee And Pregnancy
    caffeine and osteoarthritis - Decaffeinated tea or coffee, studies have suggested that green tea can improve the bone density and can reduce the risk of osteoarthritis.[...]

  • Caffeine - Information, Consumption, Effects
    Caffeine - Harmful Effects of CaffeineIts not coffee that makes people so much easier to deal with after they wake up, it’s the caffeine. The first rule for many people about talking in the morning is a simple one. “Wait until I’ve had my coffee!&rdquo[...]

  • Side Effects, Allergies and Health Risks of Caffeine Intake
    Side Effects Of CaffeineCaffeine has slowly and steadily become a major part of our daily life. Caffeine is present in a number of foods that have become common place in almost any kind of modern diet and are present in significant quantity in coffee, tea, colas, and cocoa. Caffeine is[...]

  • Know about Caffeine Tablets Side Effects and Risks
    Side Effects Of Caffeine TabletsCaffeine tablets or caffeine pills are primarily used for weight loss programs. The regular caffeine tablet is said to contain about 200 mg of caffeine. This quantity is found to be equivalent to about 2 mugs of strong coffee. This quantity is not considered to be[...]

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