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Thuja Health Benefits

An interesting piece of information & fact about thuja is that it belongs to the Cypress family of evergreen coniferous trees and although it may be classified as a cedar, most researchers prefer to call it white cedar or red cedar. ‘Thuja Occidentalis’ as it is known, is used as ingredients in homeopathic medications. Most people tend to show signs of improvement with continuous use. Thuja is used as a plant as well as a medicinal supplement. The dosage and its frequency will be prescribed by the homeopath as per the severity of the condition being treated.
It is advisable to use thuja only if it has been prescribed by your homeopathic doctor since it is extremely potent in its non-diluted form and might not agree with all individuals. If you have not been taking homeopathic medication, it is best not to self-medicate as it could be detrimental to your wellbeing.

Thuja and Skin

Thuja if used properly and taken in the recommended dosage can prove to be useful. There are many health benefits of thuja. They are as follows:
  • Warts: Warts are a common occurrence for most people. Most warts appear on the face, neck, hands, palms and soles. The common cause for these warts is the HPV, which is the Human Papilloma Virus. Although there are a variety of treatments available to get rid of these warts, the underlying factor will still remain. This is because most treatment for warts is superficial. However, thuja addresses the root cause of the problem.
  • Genital warts: Thuja is effective in the treatment of genital warts as well. It works because it addresses the symptoms and does not suppress them.
  • Eczema: Thuja liquid extract tincture is used to cure eczema like skin conditions.
  • Skin tags are known to be caused due to friction to the skin. Application of thuja liquid extract tincture could get rid of them.
  • Acne: Thuja is used in the treatment of acne. Thuja possesses the properties of a diuretic and is also an astringent.
  • Molluscum: This is a viral infection of the skin usually caused by the molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV). Thuja may be used to treat this infection.
  • Plantar Warts: Plantar warts are those warts that affect the soles of the feet. Application of thuja tincture directly on to the wart will help in the treatment of plantar warts.
  • Psoriasis: This is a non-contagious skin condition that causes the skin to flake. It could also result in redness and itching accompanied by slight swelling of the affected areas of the skin. Thuja could play a role in the treatment of psoriasis. Consult your homeopath for recommendations to this effect.
Thuja may also be used to treat headaches and heart pain. It can also reduce swelling and it may be used as a remedy for delayed menstruation.

Although thuja has alleviating properties it is best not to self-medicate. Always consult your doctor before you decide to try out any kind of alternative medication. If ingested in large quantities as in the case of an overdose, thuja can be toxic. Skin or eye contact with the cedar leaf oil (in its raw state; that is undiluted) can result in severe irritation even burns. Therefore extreme caution must be exercised.

Thuja benefits are many. Some of the most notable ones are as follows:
  • Anti-rheumatic: It is a diuretic; it increases the frequency of urination thus eliminating the buildup of uric acid.
  • It detoxifies the body owing to its diuretic and astringent properties.
  • It is an emenagogue: This property provides relief to women from pain associated with periods. It could possibly be used in the treatment of ovarian cysts.
  • It works as an expectorant: This helps clear congestion and provides relief from cold, phlegm and cough.
  • Thuja oil extract can act as an insect repellent as the oil is toxic.
  • It not only acts like a stimulant for the circulation of blood but also aids the secretion of enzymes, hormones, bile, gastric juices and so on.
  • It can act as a vermifuge: It can get rid of round worms, tape worms as well as hook worms that take refuge in your body.
Thuja can effectively treat other disorders such as lipomas and warts that are caused due to HPV that is human papillomavirus. Thuja can also be used in aromatherapy to treat hair loss.

Side Effects of Thuja

Alternative medication is an upcoming trend in most Western countries; however, continents such as Asia are not alien to it. Most people who are familiar with alternative medication might even swear by its curative abilities. Nevertheless, it is in one’s best interest to consult your health care expert because there could be side effects, especially if your body is not familiar with certain herbs or plant extracts. As in the case of thuja, there could be a few side effects such as the following:
  • Thuja is toxic if ingested in large doses.
  • It could be poisonous resulting in vomiting, headaches, diarrhea, convulsions, and nervousness and so on.
  • Researchers have warned about the component in thuja called Thujone. Thujone acts as a neurotoxin and can cause muscle spasms, seizures and hallucinations if ingested.
  • If the twigs or the plant leaves are ingested it could cause seizures, as well as damage to the kidneys and the liver, owing to thujone.
  • In extreme cases, deaths have been reported.
  • There have been reports of asthma, poisoning and rashes in people who work with the wood of the thuja tree.
  • Thuja intoxication symptoms include gastroenteritis, diarrhea, stomach aches, etc.
  • This will be followed by renal toxicity, yellow liver atrophy, arrhythmias, myocardial bleeding in extreme cases.
  • Women who are pregnant and those breastfeeding should not be given thuja orally.
  • If you happen to suffer from an overdose of thuja, call 911 immediately; inform them about your thuja poisoning. This must be done immediately, especially if you detect irregular heartbeats or if you start vomiting, or if you experience any of the above mentioned symptoms.
Multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus are all auto immune diseases. If you suffer from one or more of these conditions, thuja is something that you must stay away from. This is because thuja is known to be a stimulant; it may cause the immune system to become active and this will consequently increase the symptoms of these auto-immune diseases. Another important thing to keep in mind is that thuja must not be taken along with other medications that could increase your chances of having a seizure.
Submitted on January 24, 2012