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Pears Health Benefits & Nutrition

Pears belong to the rose family and are closely related to apples. They have a characteristic shape with a round, wide bottom and a tapering top. Pears come in different varieties and colors such as brown, green, yellow and red. Pears are nutritious fruits which are good for your health in many ways. Pears benefits include prevention of lung and stomach cancer.
Since they are hypo-allergenic, even individuals with food intolerances can eat pears without any risk of side effects. Reduced risk of age related macular degeneration and lowered risk of artery damage are also some important health benefits of pears. A recent study found that the antioxidant quercetin is found in the skin of pears which may help in protecting against Alzheimer’s disease. Pears contain boron which is used by the body to retain calcium. The fruit may, therefore, help in preventing osteoporosis. Due to their high fiber content, they help to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Glutathione is an antioxidant and anti-carcinogen found in pears, which helps to protect against high blood pressure and stroke. Due to the high levels of fructose and glucose, pears are also a great natural source of energy.

Nutrition From Pears

There are several nutrients in pears such as vitamins A, B1, B2, folic acid, niacin, C and E. Minerals such as potassium, copper and phosphorous are also found in pears. Calcium, iron, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine and sodium are present in lower quantities. Certain varieties of pears have higher iron content. When you cut a pear and it turns brown, it means that it is rich in iron.


Pears contain pectin which has a mild laxative effect on the body. You can use pears for constipation by eating them plain or drinking pear juice.

Weight Loss

You can also use pears for weight loss. A pear contains just 103 calories and hence is a healthy, low calorie snack. Eat a pear at night to prevent hunger pangs. Pears contain a lot of fiber and hence they keep you feeling full for a longer period of time. This will prevent you from indulging in high calorie snacks. Maintaining a healthy weight also helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.


Pears for acne are often recommended due to their high levels of vitamins and minerals. Drinking pear and other fruit juices helps to introduce these nutrients easily into the bloodstream. Minerals are helpful in neutralizing skin acids and regulating the pH balance of the skin. This is beneficial in preventing and treating acne. Fresh fruit juices help to destroy bacteria in the body and also aid in the proper digestion of protein and fat. This helps to cleanse the body and prevents toxins from building up.

Acid Reflux

You can use pears for acid reflux because they help to absorb excess stomach acids.


Due to the high levels of pectin, it is advisable to use pears for cholesterol control. The pectin along with the fiber helps to lower cholesterol levels. The peel also contains pectin and hence it is advisable to avoid removing the peels before eating.


Some doctors recommend pears for diabetics since they are low in calories and carbohydrates. One pear contains approximately 100 calories and 26 grams of carbohydrates. Controlling your calorie and carbohydrate intake helps to keep blood sugar levels balanced. Sweet cravings can lead to an imbalance in blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Pears serve as a healthy sweet treat which can satisfy the sweet tooth while keeping blood glucose levels in check. You can even go a step further and add some fat-free, sugar-free whipped cream to pieces of pear and enjoy a delicious dessert.


Some women may find it difficult to become pregnant due to fluctuations in insulin levels. One way to balance insulin levels is by eating fresh fruits. Fruits contain natural sugar which is beneficial for the reproductive system. This is the reason why some health experts recommend pears for fertility. Pears also supply the body with essential vitamins and minerals that boost immunity and aid in fertility.


Pear juice and pears for the gallbladder are beneficial because they help to prevent gallstones. Pears contain malic acid which helps to slowly disintegrate the stones.


You can use pears for ibs because it is rich in fiber. One medium sized pear contains about 5.5grams of fiber. Individuals with ibs can eat pears as a nutritious snack between meals.

Kidney Stones

Many people who develop calcium oxalate kidney stones have high amounts of oxalate in the urine. As a result they must avoid consuming foods which are too high in oxalate. You can eat pears for kidney stones because it is a low oxalate fruit.

Oily Skin

You can use pears for oily skin in the form of a face pack. Add half a teaspoon of honey and one tablespoon of cream to one mashed ripe pear. Apply the mixture over your face and neck and let it remain for about fifteen minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Pregnant Women

Eating pears during pregnancy helps to prevent neural tube defects in the baby because of the foliate found in pears.

Sore Throat

You can eat pears for a sore throat because they help to relieve inflammation and irritation. Add some honey to pears and blend. Drink this to relieve symptoms of sore throat. Drink pear juice twice daily to prevent further throat problems.

Upset Stomach:

Quite a few people recommend pears for upset stomach. They help to alleviate nausea and vomiting. Some also maintain that juice from canned pears is beneficial in treating stomach upsets in children.

Side Effects Of Pears

There are no known side effects or health risks associated with eating pears.

Tips For Eating Pears:

There are no limitations as to when to eat pears and how much to eat. Here are some tips on the right way to buy and store pears:

  • Keep pears at room temperature next to ripening fruit. You can also keep them along with a ripe banana in a brown bag. This helps to encourage ripening.
  • Pears usually do not change in color when they ripen. Therefore when buying pears, gauge them by touch. Ripe pears should feel soft to the touch when gently pressed around the stem.
  • In order to prevent pears from becoming overripe, keep them in the coldest part of the refrigerator.
  • Gently wash fresh pears by running under cool water and patting dry. It is advisable not to peel the fruit since it contains fiber.
  • Cut a pear using an apple corer and cut at the base to remove the core. Once cut, pears turn brown quickly due to oxidation. To prevent this from taking place, add some orange or lemon juice to the pieces.
  • You can eat pears plain or in salads along with other healthy vegetables such as leeks and watercress.
  • Pears also go well with goat cheese as a tasty dessert.
  • You can also add chopped pears to your morning oatmeal along with some honey.
Submitted on January 16, 2014