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Beta vulgaris  

Beetroot has been used since time immemorial in treating ailments. It finds an important mention even in Roman and Greek medicine. Beetroot does not spoil very fast in the raw state, and hence it is preferable to use raw juice for therapy, as opposed to cooked juice.

Beetroot is one of the most important vegetables in juice therapy. Beetroot is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals and has a stimulating effect on the nerves.

It is also excellent for combating general weakness and debility. In combination with other juices, beet root juice is used to treat sexual weakness, kidney stones, gall stones, liver, and prostate ailments.

Other than in juiced form, beet root may also be consumed cooked, steamed, or raw, in salads.

Brassica oleracea

 Brussels sprout is a variety of the cabbage family that was produced by skilled selective breeding by Dutch gardeners.

 Brussels sprouts are one of the largest providers of Vitamin C. A cupful of sprouts gives over 100 milligrams of Vitamin C; twice as much as oranges. The sprouts should not be over cooked and is it results in a loss of the vitamins. They may be had juiced, raw in salads, or lightly steamed.

 The juice is used in combination with string bean juice to assist in the treatment of diabetes. It is beneficial for both adults and children and is very effective when used in conjunction with traditional medical care.


Beetroot is the root of the beet plant that is used in cooking and in a variety of food related industries. The root of the beet plant is characterized by its dark red or purple appearance. Beetroot is the most commonly consumed part of the beet plant. When sliced, beetroot will leave behind a reddish or purplish colored liquid. This reddish or purplish colored liquid is also responsible for the blood red appearance of an individual’s mouth if he or she has been consuming beetroot. 


Like most fresh fruits and vegetables, there are many beetroot benefits. These beetroot benefits are associated with the different nutrients present in this vegetable. Beetroot provides an individual with a small serving of calories, less than 80 calories for a cup sized serving of beetroot. At the same time, this cup sized serving of beetroot provides the individual with plenty of folate, potassium, manganese, dietary fiber, vitamin C, magnesium and even some iron. Some of these minerals are trace minerals but their requirement in the body is still important. The presence of vitamin C is another amongst beetroot benefits. 


Beetroot can be eaten raw or cooked. It often forms an integral part of certain salad recipes. In most cases, however, beetroot is one ingredient amongst many in a healthy salad. The leaves of beetroot can also be consumed after cooking or boiling. These leaves taste similar to other leafy vegetables and may be crushed to form a puree as well. 


The numerous health benefits from the consumption of beetroot are rooted in the high level of anti oxidants present in this food item. Beetroot also helps to neutralize various substances in the body which can help to reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes. Naturally, this benefit of beetroot is most applicable to people who consistently consume this food and who follow a generally healthy diet. One of the most important beetroot benefits is its ability to help lower blood pressure. Reduced blood pressure is a good thing for health. This leads to the reduction in problems associated with the blood circulation system and with cardiac health as well. 


Anti oxidants present in beetroot may explain why there is a relationship between beetroot juice and cancer. Antioxidants work to neutralize free radicals in the blood. Free radicals are often responsible for the development of abnormalities in cells of the human body. These abnormalities may eventually lead to the development of cancer. Cancer is a progressive and aggressive condition that will eventually claim the life of an individual. However, regular consumption of foods with anti oxidants will help to boost the health of the individual. This will definitely reduce the chances of cancer developing. However, other factors associated with cancer development also need to be taken care of for an individual to be completely protected against this condition.  


From the above information, it becomes clear that beetroot is a healthy and nutritious vegetable that should be consumed by people who wish to maintain good health. 


Submitted on January 16, 2014